Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


"You know, its rude to use people's things without their permission" She says as we walk out the house. Hearing her address me in a teasing tone after the interaction I had with Zaviyar, immediately calms me down. "Oh really, and what have I used of yours without permission?" I ask playfully looking back at her. "Don't play dumb Amaan, give my dupatta back" She says folding hr arms looking at me being all cute. "Hmm, that was yours I didn't know." I wink at her. I open the car and grab the dupatta and hold it up high "So this is yours?" I say. I see Zaviyar watch us from afar. I guess he needs to learn to keep away from my girl. She isn't mine, but she is. You know what I mean.

"Come and get it, ajao" I say. "Amaan, wapis karo, give it here" She tries to grab it. I chuckle at her. She stops trying and giggles back at me. "Fine, keep it ACE" She says, slapping my chest jokingly, and sits in the car. I look at Zaviyar, give him cheeky smile and drape the dupatta over my head and around my neck, I whistle and sit in the car.

Uni is over quickly, but I really don't want to take her home already, that dumbo will be there and I cant stand him and his weird attitude. "You want to go meet Khan Baba? I ask her. "Really, you wouldn't mind?" She asks. "Why would I mind, Khan Baba is a really nice person and plus I'll go anywhere where there is food" I say with a grin on my face. "Of course you would, but erm, I wont eat much, I did say to Zaviyar I'd go out to eat with him, it wouldn't be nice if I changed my mind, after all he did come all the way from America to see us" She says. "Oh of course" I say.

We get home around 4 o clock. I need to hand the envelope off to Yusuf's place. I tell Laylah and Arfan that I'll be back around 6ish. "Don't be long, I don't pay you to just do as you please you know" She smiles at me. "Actually, you don't pay me at all" I retort back and grin. "That's right, my brother does, but I can always have you changed ACE" She looks at me, biting her lower lip and raising her eyebrows. Don't do stuff like that princess I wont be able to leave. "I think you like having me around" I say and smile at her, tucking my hands into my pockets, not trusting them around her. "I just need to drop the envelope at Yusuf's and also say hi to Sophia" I say turning to wards the door. "Ahh, I'd love to come, hey do you think we should call them over for dinner sometime" She says pulling my sleeve, gently turning me to face her. She is getting touchy feeling with me isn't she. You love it you dick; I think to myself smiling. "Erm you should ask Umer" I say rubbing the back of my neck and smile at her.

Watching Sophia and Yusuf interact with each other, makes me want to get married. The way Umer looks at her and they way she looks back at him. Its safe to say they will always be happy, Inshallah. Now I need to get myself back to the one girl who might look at me, the same way Sophia looks at Yusuf.

I thought not to bring up what happened on Sophia's nikkah day. That's how I feel, I will show her how I feel, I cant not stop my feelings or bottle them away. If she doesn't reciprocate them or feels overwhelmed and uncomfortable then I'll stop and only if she tells me to. Until she doesn't, I'm not backing away, especially when someone like Zaviyar is around her. I know they are cousins and she doesn't feel like that with him, but that doesn't mean I don't get jealous or angry when he makes her smile or laugh.

I see her walk down in a simple sky-blue coloured kurta, looking at gorgeous as ever. A smile appears on my face as if I have no control over it. She looks the best in Pakistani fashion. Okay, sky blue colour is now my favourite colour, yellow a close contender. "You're back, on time. Very punctual" She says looking at me. I missed you and wanted to see you, is what I wanted to say but refrain. "I didn't want to get into trouble with my boss" I say chuckling.

"Layli, you ready?" Zaviyar asks walking towards us in an immaculate light beige suit, gotta say the guy has style. He looks her up and down and frowns. "I wished you wore a dress; I don't like it when you wear Pakistani clothes" He says dejected. The fuck. I look over towards Laylah, who was now looking down a little sad. "I like wearing a kurta Zaviyar, you know that" She says looking back at him. "You look nice, but you would have looked better in a dress" He says looking at her. "I think she looks great" I say looking Zaviyar directly in the eyes. "Nobody asked for your opinion" He retorts back assertively, looking back at me. "Nobody needs to have an opinion on what Laylah wears, other than Laylah herself." I say taking a step forward. "Amaan, stop this, its fine. I look great lets go" She says and walks towards the hallway. "Oh, you're not coming" He says raising his hand towards me. I look at it wanting to snap his fingers and handing them to him in his other hand. "Oh yes I am. I go where she goes." I say and walk off after her. Bloody wanker. The nerve of him to tell Laylah what to wear. I thought they were cousins.

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