Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


The whole weekend during Sophia's wedding Laylah was avoiding me like the plague. I didn't know what to do. According to Haider, she needed some space because I had royally fucked up, but what does he know, right? These two days have been even worse then the weekdays, at least I was under the impression she liked me a little bit.

I rush out the house and jump into Basanti, I wanted to get to Mansha mansion early so I could talk to Laylah, I didn't want whatever this was to loom over us. If it made her uncomfortable, I'd behave myself, or at least try. The last thing I need is for her to feel awkward and uneasy around me.

As I drive through the driveway and around the fountain I see a red Ferrari sports car parked in my 'usual' spot. I don't remember seeing that in the garage the other day, but then I hadn't seen all the cars in there so.....but suddenly I see the number plate and I feel an emotion that I find hard to control, anger. So, this car belonged to the infamous Zaviyar, as the number plate, Z4VIY4R suggested.

I run up the stairs and see an excited Umer hugging someone. "Shit, I've missed you guys" the guy, who I pressume is Zaviyar says, releasing Umer from his embrace. Umer's eyes land on me. "Amaan!" He says happily. The guy turns and looks at me, "Oh, hello, take the luggage out of the car and up to my room, don't just stand there." He says glaring at me. The fuck was this guy!

"Zavi, yaar, this is Amaan, come Amaan, say hello" He ushers me forward and calls for Ali baba to get someone to take the luggage out of the car. "Zaviyar, this is Laylah's near guard Amaan and Amaan this is Zaviyar my cousin from America, my Khala's son" he adds on. "Oh, sorry man, I didn't realise, but Umair won't be needed, of course main hoon na" He says winking and then flashing me a smile. Who did this guy think he was? "It's Amaan and I work for Umer, he decids that" I add on. "Of course, and I need Amaan, he has been the best so far" Umer adds placing a hand on my shoulder. Come lets have breakfast, Laylah, aa bhi jao!" He turns and walks towards the kitchen calling Laylah. 5 minutes in and I'm hating this guy already, negative vibes and I'm never wrong, almost.

As soon as Laylah enters the kitchen, Zaviyar jumps out of his seat and rushes to her, "Layli, I've missed you." Layli? what kind of a shitty nickname is that! He is about to pull her in for a hug when she steps back and smiles at him. I sense her hesitarion. It kind of makes me happy, she doesnt hesitate to hug me I think happily.

"Missed you too" She says and sits on the chair next to him and opposite me. "Morning Bhai, Amaan" She says looking at me and giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back at her. "I need to head for work, Laylah, no bunking Uni today, Zaviyar I'll see you later on and Amaan, can you hand these to Yusuf for me please. Something he needed for his Dad" Umer hands me an envelope and I place it on the table, I nod at him, my eyes on Laylah. I feel the idiot glaring at me from my peripheral vision. Piss off num-chuk.

The idiot turns towards Laylah he looks at her as if she is a piece of food. Laylah has no idea how beautiful and sexy she is and sometimes that is what gets her into trouble, flashback to Hamza. The way his eyes travel around her body has my anger flaring up again. I know a fuckboy when I see one and this fucker was fuckboy and playboy rolled into one. I wanted to bang my hands on the table, throw Laylah over my shoulder and take her upstairs and kiss her senseless, but of course I couldn't.

"Laylah, you need to come to New York, there is this amazing restaurant opened there, you'll love it honestly. This Christmas your coming and I'm not taking no for an answer" He rambles on looking at her with a cheesy grin on his face. Fucking moron.

"Erm, I might be going out to Dubai to see Abu, Zaviyar, you know Christmas I always go and see him" Laylah says sipping her tea, completely ignoring me. I guess I deserved it. The way she spoke to him was how she spoke to Sophia, friendly no love interest there. Not how she would usually speak to me.

They continue to joke and laugh and I sit there like a numpty looking over at her and then at the moron, my patience is soon going to run out and this asshole has only been here for half an hour. She is different with him than she was with me. My mind flickers back to the day she told me about herself, the way she spoke, her giggles and the way she scrunched her nose.

I'm pulled out of my 'Laylah trance' as their laughs fill my ears. I realise the sucker has now moved in closer to Laylah and she is on the edge of her chair. Why doesn't he get the hint? "So, bodyguard, how long do you feel like you're going to stick around? Sorry what was your name again, Amir, Umair? He asks rudely. "Amaan, his name is Amaan, and I think he will be around for some times" Laylah answers the question, giving me a reassuring smile. "Of course Prin... Laylah" I look at her and return the smile. She smiles back at me, her eyes not leavung mine.

"Laylah, my mum has finally given me a written recipe for her Beef Bourguignon, I honestly can't wait to eat it cooked from your hands." He flirts shamelessly with her. She is so innocent that she has no idea what he is trying to do.

He is pissing me off and if I don't get out of here, I will be fucking punching his face. I stand up, the chair screeching behind me, against the floor. I look at Zaviyar who glares at me and I return the favour. I'm not giving her up to you, you ass.

"We need to get going Laylah" I manage to say as I look from the shithead to Laylah. This fuckboy is coming nowhere near my girl and I'm going to make sure of it.

"Layli, I'll drop you off to Uni, I'll also pick you up and we'll have lunch together, what's say" He says glaring at me. Stop calling her that stupid nickname! "No, Zaviyar, you need to rest, you must be jet-lagged, I'll see you later" She says and stand up from her seat. "Fine, I'll book your favourite restaurant, you better dress up for ME tonight and then we'll go out for dinner" He says looking from Laylah to me, stressing the word ME, his eyes trained on me.

Bring it on douche bag.


Chapter 26 Pictures


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Updated Cast


Osman Khalid Butt as HAIDER RAZA ZAMAN


Sabeena Farooq as SOPHIA SARMAD

Shehryar Munawar as UMER ALI MANSHA

Blue Tesla as MACGYVER

Red Volkswagen as BASANTI


Shamoon Abbasi as MIRZA SHAH


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