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Conjugal pleasure is essential for both sexes. They can sacrifice any pleasure except this. That is why lovers are ready to leave parents, relations, friends and society for the pair. Those who come in between their affair become enemies. If they did get this pleasure, they become mentally retarded. Psychiatrists confirm this. There is no second thought that this pleasure should not be denied to any.

If all have to get this pleasure equally, both sexes should be born in equal numbers. But it does not happen for many centuries. None can deny that Women are born more than men. Some may think that this ratio difference will be less only. 
We should not take into account only the birth ratio. We should take into account the marital eligibility ratio also.
A man’s eligibility age for marriage is 25. But for a woman it is 15. The marital age for woman is 18 in the law book only but not in practice. 
Biologically a girl is matured earlier than a boy. So, if you take survey eligible women for marriage and eligible men for marriage, the ratio of women will be more. The boys though they have either physical deformity such as Lame, blind, and humpback or they have character deformity such as drunkard, humpback, and blind get married. But the woman even they are beautiful and good in character get delayed in their marriage. This is the ocular proof that the ratio of women’s population eligible for marriage is higher than the man.

When will be the ratio of both sexes equal?

• Birth rate of both sexes should be equal. But it is not.
• Both sexes should be at equal age. It can’t
• Like forefathers of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) female child should be buried which we don’t.
For this problem, if we do not find a solution, we should reap the bad consequences as follows:

·Unmarried women will be mentally retarded.

·They will seek pleasure illegally.

·Affluent will pay high dowry to their female children.

Polygamy will considerably reduce the stagnant population of unmarried women.


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