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Some people misconstrue that women are not allowed to participate prayers in the mosque. It is totally wrong. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has allowed women to participate prayers in the mosque. When he has allowed, nobody has the right to deny it. Due to the ignorance of Indian Muslims, it is prohibited in many parts of the country. For that Islam can’t be blamed. 

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said “Do not dissuade women to come to the mosque”.

– Buhari 865,899

Mother Ayesha (RL), the wife of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) informed that the women participated in fazer prayer conducted by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). 
   – Buhari 372,578, 867,872.

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said “I will stand with an intention to conduct a long prayer, and then if I hear a child’s crying, I will complete the prayer with the short chapters, considering the mind of the child’s mother.”

– Buhari 707-710,862,868.

One day Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) came to conduct prayer late, and then Omar (RL) informed him that the women and children are sleeping.

– Buhari 569,862,864,866.

During the period of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), it was in practice that after the prayer is completed the men will stay in their places, until all women leave the mosque.


– Buhari 837,866,875.

There are so many proofs in Hadees that women took part prayers in the mosque. Even today, in Arabian countries and in Malaysia women take part prayers in the mosque. Among the mosques, the mosque in Makah is in the first place, where men and women participate in prayers throughout the year including Hajj. Those who do not understand Islam prohibit women to come to mosque. But now it is changing gradually. 

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