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Though both sexes die equally during natural calamities like floods, storm, Tsunami, fire and the diseases; during war, community commotion and political agitation men die considerably.

During 1st World War (14 Aug 1914 to 3 Mar 1917) 8.534 million people killed. During 2nd World War 20.21 million people killed.

- Microsoft Encyclopedia.

In the wars of napoleon .2 million people have been killed. Due to the 
atrocities of US in Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and Palestine and in the atrocity of USSR in Afghanistan mostly men were killed. 

In Punjab, Kashmir, Kirkland political agitations, and in Muslim, Hindus communal commotions, Vanniar, Harijan, Devar communal hassles mostly young men participate and die. What is the plight of their young widows? While virgins are waiting for marriage how can they get their partner?

·Should they live as widows up to their death?

·Should quench their lust in illegal way?

·Should they lit fire and fall on it and sacrifice (Sati) them as did Rajput women in the past?

No justifiable man will support the any 3 of the pitiable plights for women.

DOES ISLAM SNATCH THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें