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Marriage is arranged to outlet the sexual urge. If it is not available in time there is no meaning in life. Regarding this urge, women are disqualified earlier than men. Even at 70 men’s generative organs produce sperm, they have sexual affinity but women elude from it while her menses stops at 50. So, men over 50 years gaze more at other women. The servant maids and little girls are the victims of these people. It is because their wives are disqualified to outlet their needs.

To each and every problem there is a justifiable method to approach. Those who do not know the physiology of both the sexes deny polygamy. 

The women during menses are disqualified for intercourse. Some women’s menses prolong many days. In the period of menses, pregnancy, delivery and suckling the baby some men go for prostitution. To avoid all these, polygamy is a boon for those who need this. The polygamy will regulate them and release the prostitutes from their profession also. Like these, so many justifiable reasons behind it. So, Islam has allowed Polygamy to men only. As Islam is a life plan for the whole world to guide all sorts of people for all time, it has given laws suitable to all.
Married woman will not agree their husband to marry another woman or they will not share their life with another woman. But when such a solution required for them also, they will approve the necessity of it. 

When there is women’s scarcity then only dowry, prostitution and other atrocities against women will be eradicated. 

If polygamy is prohibited, when there are people who need more women, they will go for prostitution and it can’t be prevented by any law. 
There is regular news column for beautiful women are arrested in Daily Newspapers. Women those who don’t get proper partner choose shamefully to call men in the public.

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