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Are Intelligence and remembrance only the sufficient qualification to act as a witness? Surely, they are not. There is another most important qualification is required. A witness should tell exactly what had happened without changing, diminishing and exaggerating. Truth and exactness is the vital quality of a witness. Witnessing is to deliver the truth to the world and determine the future of the accused. 

Psychologically, women are partial ignoring the errors of those whom they like and exaggerate the errors of whom they dislike. To look at a needle as a pillar and an elephant as a cat degrade the qualification of a witness. The Tamil proverb “If the mother-in-law breaks a thing it is ignored as a worthless mud pot, but if the same thing is broken by a daughter-in-law it is punishable as if she has broken a golden pot.” depicts the feminine nature. 
Therefore, we come across so many mother-in-laws, who talk about justice about the atrocities that her daughter who is suffering in her father-law’s house, show their dumb mouths over the injustice they enact to their daughter-in-laws. 
The real exemplars are those who accuse others for their makeups in unprintable words, themselves load up their makeups with their dear and near and feel haughty about it also. Most of the women are like this. There may be some exceptions. 
To witness a man whom he hates, if the witness say that he saw that the man received some bundles of currency, in the case of Hundred Rupees loan the judgment will hang. If the witness curtailed the fact also there won’t be judgment proper. 

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