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A woman should not marry immediately after the death of her husband. She should elapse Iddah time. But a man has no such restrictions. If he likes he can marry on the same day of his wife’s demise. This Islamic Law also is accused by Non-Muslims that it is against Women’s right.
When the husband dies, if the wife is pregnant, she should not marry until the delivery of her child. If she is not pregnant she should wait 4 months and 10 days and this period in Islam is called Iddah. Then only she is allowed to remarry. 
Though this order of Islam seems to be an injustice to woman, if we know reason behind it, it will be agreed even by the accusers. At the demise of the husband the widow may be pregnant. If she marries another man it will be an injustice.

·It will be thrusting the deceased husband’s heir to the new husband

If the born child does not have the resemblance of him, the new husband will feel that he is cheated and he will not take care of the child. Even if the child the real heir of the deceased, it can’t get any share from his property also. If she proved that she has no embryo in womb and married, it will be safe to her and the child.

Some may argue that there need not be 4 months and 10 days to prove that a woman is not pregnant; if the next menses is discharged, it will affirm that she is not pregnant and she is free to remarry. 
Discharging of menses is a private and personal affair of the woman. We believe her saying only. When the menses stopped, on the desire of remarriage, if she tells the lie that her menses is discharging, none can verify it. If she is tested, it will be a shame to the woman concerned. This much elapse of time is required, what the concerned woman alone is aware of whether she is pregnant or not, to be understood by others also outwardly.
After the demise of her husband, a widow marries another husband as she is getting normal discharge of menses. If she gets premature delivery on 8th month, she may get problem with her new husband that she has cheated him and he may deny his heir suspecting that the child may be through her previous husband. Moreover, the child can’t claim the law of Inheritance on either of the fathers. 
After proving the people around her, elapsing 4 months and 10 days in Iddah, even if she gets pre-mature delivery at 8th month, the new husband can’t deny the heir and he can’t even doubt about it. The woman can be happy with her new husband. The child will get the legal right. So, Iddah is essential and wise arrangement of Islam to honor the womenfolk instead of degrading them. In short, Though Iddah seems to be against the women’s right, in reality it is blessedness in disguise for women. 

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