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In Islamic social setup, men have more financial burden than women. A Muslim is bound to provide food, clothing, shelter and other expenses to his parents, wife and children. But a Muslim woman has no such responsibilities. The same situation prevails in Non-Muslim societies also.
Those who forget to take into the consideration of this difference blames the Islamic law of Inheritance is injustice to women. 
Is it an injustice, if it is bestowed more to those who bear the burden than those who do not have such burden?

Though a Muslim male gets twice of his sister, it is insufficient to meet out expenses imposed on him. On the contrary, though a Muslim woman gets half of her brother, it is an excess for her, as she has no obligation to spend on others. Even her personal expenses are also provided by another man (Father, husband, son and brother). So, it is obvious that the Islamic Law of Inheritance is more just and wise.

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