Entry #1

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{This is originally published on Quotev. My username is the same, @ .KawaiiLenz.}  

(First of all, I need a therapist. I've had quite a few them but they all run away yeee)

I'm writing this because my memories are slipping me. It's almost like I can't talk with anyone on this. Someone recommended making a online journal along with my irl one, so here I am.

I've been having weird experiences, dreams, and other stuff related to creepypasta since early February. I really can't say why I like doing reckless things.

So, well, I took up researching about it, after getting access to lots of investigation books about it. I took up summoning the easy spells soon after.

(BTW it fails me why the easiest ones are the most dangerous tbh)

So... The things is, I've been experiencing symptoms, seeing things even before I got into creepypasta and MH. Our exams were going on then, and when I used to go out, I always felt like I was being stalked or something. Weird things had been happening to me-- but I'd just dismissed it as my imagination.

Back to the summoning part. So, well, um, the proxy pledge was the first thing that came into my mind to do (Like why?!?) I did it, anyways. I couldn't access a woods but I did it at home, it apparently works in here too.

I did it at May. I woke up with headaches and bruises for a few days, then it stopped. Seemed like nothing ever happened.

Now it's started again. I'm experiencing really bad symptoms, and the thing is, I can't explain it to anyone. I have been writing a Creepypasta OC story, and she's mostly based on me. Her behavior, her habits everything. She's the Marionette (Yeah I'm not the most original person you'll ever meet) and the thing is, I feel like that. I even have her damn mask in my drawer that I made when I was bored.

I'm being extremely paranoid I guess, drawing up theories and shit. I can't even sleep properly, and I'm worried even though I'm at home 24/7.

The thing that scares me... What if I was being stalked from before, before I came to know of all this? What if I did the proxy pledge and made stuff easier for them, since I sincerely promised that I'd give myself up to them?

Shit. Maybe it wasn't the best idea after all.

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