Chapter 13

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"How about we play never have I ever?" Jungkook said and all the boys immediately nodded their heads while an excited look formed onto their faces.

"Allright, Yoongi why don't you fill everyone's cups with one of your special mixes while i explain the rules to everyone?" The ravenette said before a smirk formed onto his face. The grey haired boy immediately began to smirk and went back to the bottles of liquor which were standing on the coffee table.

A shocked look quickly decorated Taehyung's face as he saw his grey haired friend began to fill the cups with all kinds of liquor, all while a amused look could be spotted on his face and the blonde boy swallowed thickly. That shit must be way too strong for him.

Once Yoongi had filled 7 cups he carefully picked them up and gave everyone one. Taehyung carefully took his from the grey haired boys hand and immediately a strong smell hit his nostrils. A disgusted look quickly formed onto the young student's face and he carefully placed the cup on the coffee table in front of him. Let's pray he didn't have to drink too much of it.

"Alright everyone, put all ten fingers up." Jungkook said once Yoongi was done and immediately did as he had said himself. Slowly Taehyung lifted both his hands in the air and the ravenette quickly continued.

"If someone says anything you have done then you have to take a sip out of the drink you got from Yoongi and put one finger down." The boy said while a smirk was decorating his face. The street racer clearly liked the game and couldn't wait to start.

"The first person who loses all ten fingers will gets a punishment from the person who managed to get their last finger down." Jungkook said while slowly turning towards Taehyung and locking eyes with him. A nervous feeling quickly crept up the blonde boy's spine. If Jungkook would have the privilege to give him a punishment he would be so screwed.

As soon as the ravenette was done with explaining the rules to everyone an excited chatter filled the room and a small smile made it's way onto Taehyung's face. These boys had know each other for years and yet they had been so welcoming to him. They had welcomed him, a complete stranger, with open arms and Taehyung would be forever thankfull for that.

"Okay can I start?" Jin said while excitement was lacing his voice. Namjoon softly put one of his arms around the brown haired boy's shoulders and softly pulled him closer. Immediately a small smile formed onto Jin's face and he slightly pressed himself closer to his boyfriend. Quickly all boys agreed that Jin would start and an excited sound left the boy's throat.

"Okay, never have I ever gotten detention." The brown haired boy said and immediately all boys except for Taehyung put a finger down. A happy feeling immediately spread into the blonde boy's chest once he realized he didn't have to drink the strong drink which was standing in front of him and a small smile made it's way onto the boy's face.

"O my god did you seriously have to put a finger down yourself?" Yoongi suddenly spoke once he realized that Taehyung was indeed the only one with still ten fingers up. Immediately the grey haired boy burst into loud laughter and a small giggle left Taehyung's mouth. A red blush quickly formed onto Jin's cheeks as soon as he realized what he had done wrong and a annoyed look made it's way onto the eldest boy's face. "Shut up." The brown haired boy said before softly leaning back into Namjoon's chest. Soon Yoongi stopped laughing and the amused look on his face quickly turned into a sly one.

"Okay moving on, never have I ever given a blowjob." The grey haired boy said and immediately everyone except Jungkook and Yoongi put one finger down. A nervous feeling immediately formed into Taehyung's chest once he took a quick look at the red cup standing in front of him. Yoongi had practically brew poison in there and the blonde was pretty sure that he would be completely druk once he took a few sips of it.

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