Chapter 16

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Soon both boys were back in Jungkook's apartment. It was currently around 5 p.m. and suddenly Taehyung's stomach started rumble loudly. A red blush immediately started to form on the blonde boy's cheeks and he quickly looked down in order to avoid the eyes of the ravenette standing beside him.

Jungkook started to laugh softly before a small smile began to form on his face. "How about we order pizza?" The street racer suggested and immediately Taehyung began to nod enthousiastically. He absolutely loved pizza. I mean who doesn't right? A big smile immediately began to form on the young student's face at the though of eating pizza. Ohh how he worshipped the Italians for coming up with such an awesome dish.

"Great, how about you go and sit down on the couch while I order them?" The ravenette spoke before starting to fish his phone out of his jeans. Immediately the blonde began to nod and walked over towards the big couch which was standing in the livingroom. The young student immediately sat down on it once he was close enough and quickly turned his head to look if Jungkook was already done with ordering their food.

A small smile began to form on the boy's face as soon as he saw Jungkook was still on the phone. The ravenette was slowly walking back and forth while answering whoever it was that was on the other side of the phone. A small tingeling feeling suddenly sparked up inside the blonde's stomach. Taehyung carefully watched every move the ravenette made, not being able to shift his eyes somewhere else.

However as soon as the ravenette lowered the phone which was previously right next to his ear Taehyung quickly turned around and a soft red blush quickly began to form on his cheeks. What the hell was he doing, he looked like a creepy stalker by the way he was watching Jungkook.

Jungkook himself however didn't notice a thing and quickly walked over to the couch himself before sitting down right nex to Taehyung. "It will be delivered as soon as possible." The street racer said while sending a wink Taehyung's way. The blonde boy quickly looked down as soon as he felt his cheeks heat up even more and the tingeling feeling in his stomach increase. What the hell was happening to him?

After a while of both boys being silent Jungkook suddenly began to speak again. "So I know it's not any of my bussiness but I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now." The ravenette began while a slightly nervous expression was shown of his face. A small smile immediately began to form on Taehyung's face upon noticing the slightly nervous expression of the boy sitting next to him. Who would have ever thought that the infamous bad boy of the school could become nervous?

"But I was wondering how your and Kai's relationship was back when you guys were still together?." The ravenette finally asked, nervousness still visible on his face. A small smile slowly began to form on the blonde boy's face, now knowing why the boy sitting next to him was so nervous. His and Kai's relationship had been a subject the whole friendgroup had been trying to avoid. Ofcourse everyone knew it was a touchy subject, after all it had only been a few weeks ago that everything had happened. Taehyung himself however didn't mind talking about it. Ofcourse he still cared about his ex-boyfriend, their relationship wasn't something the boy could just erase out of his mind, yet he had come to terms with the fact that their relationship was over. Him and Kai weren't meant to be together forever and Taehyung was fine with that.

"Ahh it was good while it lasted, I was really happy during that time but looking back I think I was pretty naïve too." The blonde began to speak while looking towards the direction Jungkook was sitting. The ravenette softly nodded, eagerly listening to everything the boy who was sitting next to him was saying.

"Looking back the thing that hurts me the most isn't even the cheating part, it's the fact that our relationship was pretty much completely one sided." The blonde said while staring into the distance, focussing on nothing in particular. It was true what he said, Taehyung had always done everything within his power to make Kai the happiest person on earth and yet the boy had decided to just not care about him and sleep with someone else behind the blonde's back. Kai had always been the one on the receiving end of their relationship and Taehyung the one on the giving end.

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