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"Baby I'm home." Jungkook said as soon as he stepped out of the elevator and into his and Taehyung's shared apartment. Ever since Jungkook's accident seven years ago Taehyung had been living with him and the ravenette wouldn't want it any other way. Taehyung was the one who mattered the most to him and the boy would always remain like that.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Taehyung shouted back from the kitchen. Soon a delicious smell began to fill the raven haired man's nostrills and he quickly made his way to the kitchen while looking at all the delicious food his precious Taehyung was baking.

As soon as the man entered the kitchen he saw the blonde boy standing in front of the stove while slowly taking out his perfectly baked cake. Tomorrow Yoongi was finally gonna propose to Jimin and thus Taehyung had promised the silver haired man to bake cake for the couple in order to celebrate their engagement after the proposal with their friends.

A happy smile was visible on the blonde man's face as he thought about how much the proposal would mean to Jimin. The pink haired man had been dying for Yoongi to finally ask him. The two of them were the only ones who weren't engaged or married out of their friend group and according to Jimin it was about damn time that Yoongi grew some balls and asked him to be his forever.

That's right, Yoongi and Jimin would be the last one out of the friend group who would be engaged. As soon as Taehyung put down his cake on a plate he looked at the beautiful ring on his left ring finger. Jungkook had proposed to him about half a year ago in a very romantic way and of course the blonde man had immediately said yes without hesitation.

"Your mom called, she wants us to come over next Saturday for dinner." Taehyung spoke as soon as his fiance wrapped his arms around his torso and placed a kiss on his forehead. Softly Jungkook nodded before releasing his fiance from his embrace once again. "That sounds like a fun plan."

Ever since Jungkook had introduced both his parents to Taehyung the two adults had somehow made up and while they would never get back together they were on speaking terms again. Both of them didn't want to ruin their son's life by only fighting in front of him, they had already done that way too much.

"How was work?" Taehyung then asked before sitting down on a chair around the kitchen table while looking at the man he would spend the rest of his life with. "It was good, we made a great deal today." The ravenette answered back before taking place on a chair next to Taehyung.

Ever since the two boys had graduated from highschool the two of them had gone completely other ways when it came to studying. Jungkook had taken bussiness and was now working for his father's bussiness. The boy had a great job and it wouldn't be much longer until he would take over the entire company from his dad.

Taehyung on the other hand had done something completely different. The boy had doubted for a long time about what kind of job would suit him until he had finally found something. The boy had become a kindergarten teacher and he truly loved all the children a lot. He couldn't ever imagine himself doing any other job. I mean how could anyone ever see him as a nurse or lawyer or something like that right? Nope, those jobs weren't the ones that Taehyung loved doing with all his heart. The boy was a teacher by heart and he would always remain so.

All the other's were doing great too. Jimin and Yoongi were living together and the two of them would get engaged tomorrow, even though the pink haired boy didn't know that yet.

Namjoon and Jin had gotten married about a year ago after being engaged for two years. The two men where now in the middle of an adoption program and they hoped to welcome another member to their family very soon.

Hoseok and Taemin were now engaged a few months longer than Jungkook and Taehyung. The two of them had adopted a cute small dog and while they didn't have any wedding plans yet Taemin was always talking about it because he was so excited.

Lucas was still single and him and Taehyung still kept in touch. The blonde and the blue haired boys met up at least twice a month and talked about everything in their lives. Lucas was the kind of guy that would stay forever single while enjoying all the attention he got. Ever since high school the boy had begun to take his instagram more and more serious and could now proudly call himself an influencer, something he loved doing a lot.

Kai on the other hand got sued by both Jungkook's parents. After their son's accident the two of them both joined forces and made sure that the one who had hurt their son wouldn't get away with it. The boy ended up to be sentenced to 400 hours of community work and after that he had moved to the other side of the country, too ashamed about his actions.

"I missed you on work baby." Jungkook softly spoke before leaning in and placing a kiss on his fiance's lips. Immediately the blonde boy gave a kiss back while looking at the ex-street racer with a loving look on his face.

After Jungkook's accident the whole group gave up on racing all together. The scare they had gotten by almost losing Jungkook had been enough for them to stop doing it. Sure the races had been fun for the time being but it had been time for the boys to move on. The illegal street racing wasn't something they could stand behind anymore without having doubts about it all together. It wasn't worth the thrill when you could potentially lose a friend.

Taehyung on the other hand had managed to get his drivers license soon after he started taking lessons. He had managed to overcome his fear completely and now he was the proud owner of a pretty Mercedes, his first very own car. It had been a gift from Jungkook the day after he had gotten his license and to this day the blonde was super thankfull for it.

"You look pretty." Jungkook then softly spoke while tucking a strand of hair behind Taehyung's ear. A small smile made it's way onto Taehyung's face and he locked eyes with his fiance. These past couple of years his life had been nothing but amazing. Everything about Jungkook and his relationship had been everything the teacher had been looking for and now here he was. Happier than he had ever been.

Taehyung would never forget that day when he had found out that Kai was cheating on him. His heart had been broken into a million pieces that night and still, if he could do it all again he definitely would. That night had also been the night that him and Jungkook had had their first interaction and while the ravenette hadn't mean much to the blonde at that very moment, he certainly meant the world to Taehyung now.

Taehyung had learned the hard way that there was always light at the end of the tunnel. In Taehyung's case a light that was shining as bright as a million beautiful stars in the eyes of none other than Jeon Jungkook.



and that's it. that is the conclusion to this story. Unfortunately I have to say goodbye now for real and while it pains me to know that I will never write another chapter for this story it also makes me super proud. I truly love this story with all my heart and I hoped you all enjoyed reading it as well.

As promised, I began writing a new story as I finished this one. The new story is called Cheatlist and it would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out. A short summary can be found below.

"I can't do this."

"I'm on your list, right?"


In which Kim Taehyung, an introvert and quiet singer, enters a singing competition where he meets the one and only person that's on his cheat list, Jeon Jungkook.

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