Chapter 36

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A soft sigh left Taehyung's mouth as he was trying to follow whatever it was that the teacher was trying to explain. The students had to work on another boring subject and the blonde boy already hated every part of it. Why couldn't school be about interesting stuff. A deep sigh left the young student's mouth and he looked around the class while slowly losing focus.

Currently the blonde boy was sitting next to Lucas. The blue haired boy had been his desk mate since the beginning of the school year for this subject and he hadn't said anything to Taehyung today. A sad feeling began to appear inside the blonde boy's chest and he looked down again. He probably knew what had happened with Kai. Last time Taehyung had left him Lucas had banned him from their friendship completely. That was probably what was happening now too. Never in a million years would the younger boy pick Taehyung over Kai. He would lose all his friends if he did so.

However to Taehyung's surprise suddenly he felt someone softly tap on his shoulder. A questioning began to from on the blonde boy's face and he looked to his right. A big smile was visible on Lucas' face and he didn't act like he had done last time at all. "Can I borrow a pen?" The blue haired boy asked while a questioning tone was lacing his voice. A genuine look was visible on his face and he looked at the blonde boy with a sparkle in his eyes.

Immediately a small smile began to form onto Taehyung's face as well and he began to nod. Of course he could lend the blue haired boy a pen. The blonde boy himself was the kind of person to have at least ten of them with him everyday to school because he was always scared that he would end up with nothing. That would be an absolute worst case scenario for the boy. The thought of not having a pen alone scared the crap out of the older boy. He didn't like relying on others to get his stuff done.

"Thanks." Lucas said as soon as the young student handed him the pen he had asked for. Quickly he began to write some stuff down before turning towards his blonde friend once again. "I heard what happened between you and Kai yesterday." The blue haired boy confessed while looking at the young student with an apologetic look on his face. "Kai was very upset about it this morning." He then spoke before turning back to the subject he was working on.

A guilty feeling began to form into Taehyung's chest. Of course Lucas would try to guilt trap him into taking Kai back. The blue haired boy had stated before that he wanted the blonde back in their group. "I'm sorry about that." Taehyung decided to answer while trying to avoid eye contact with the blue haired boy next to him. The young student felt like absolute shit. He had gotten Kai's hopes up when there wasn't any. "I didn't want him to get his hopes up when there isn't any hope for us two left." The older boy tried to explain even though Lucas probably wouldn't care about that at all. He only cared about one thing, getting Taehyung and Kai back together so that his group of friends would be complete again.

A small smile began to form onto Lucas' face and he smiled at his blonde friend. "I get it." The younger boy spoke before softly tapping with his fingers on his desk. "I wouldn't have gone back to him either if I were you." He then confessed while looking down. A shocked look immediately began to form onto Taehyung's face and he looked at the boy next to him as if he had grown a second head. Was this really Lucas he was talking to? Had his whole personality done a one-eighty or something?

Taehyung smiled back slightly while a small "Thank you" left his mouth. Softly the blue haired boy next to him began to shake his head while looking at his friend with a genuine look on his face. The younger boy really seemed to mean everything he said and that fact made Taehyung really happy. He had missed Lucas a lot and to have him as his friends even when it was clear that him and Kai would never get back together meant the absolute world to the blonde boy. Lucas was very important to Taehyung and it had broken him completely when he had lost the boy the first time.

"It's because of Jungkook isn't it?" Lucas then said suddenly while a friendly tone was lacing his voice.  Immediately Taehyung's eyes grew big and he looked like a deer struck by headlights. How the hell did the younger boy figure that out? "H-how did you know?" Taehyung stammered back while a deep red blush began to form onto his face. Was his crush that obvious?

A soft laugh erupted from the blue haired boy's mouth and he softly patted his friend's shoulder. "I've known you for a pretty long time now Tae. You can't hide stuff like that from me." The younger boy spoke in an amused tone. Slowly Taehyung began to nod while a small laugh left his own mouth too. Of course Lucas would notice it the minute Taehyung would act weird. They had been close friends for 1,5 years. The blue haired boy knew almost everything there was to know about the blonde.

"Listen, Tae." Lucas then spoke again, a serious look on his face. "I don't know what happened between you two but you better fix it okay?" the blue haired boy then spoke in a serious tone. A confused look began to form on the young student's face once again and he raised his eyebrows. "Why do you care about that?" he asked, genuinely curious about the reason for Lucas to say something like that. The blue haired boy didn't like the ravenette at all so why did he want the two of them back together?

A genuine smile formed onto Lucas' face once again and he slowly locked eyes with the blonde next to him. "I like seeing you happy and I've never seen you happier than when you were around Jungkook. Your smile becomes at least twice as bright whenever you're around him." The younger boy spoke softly before taking Taehyung's hand in his own and smiling at the boy. "Don't give up when times get rough, there's always light at the end of the tunnel." He encouraged his friend.

Softly the blonde boy nodded while he smiled at his blue haired friend. What Lucas had told him was true. Things might not be perfect yet but they will be again. He just had to hold on and fight for what he wanted. He wouldn't give up knowing that he hadn't given his all. That would surely haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Aren't you supposed to ignore me by the way?" Taehyung suddenly asked, a teasing tone lacing his voice. A confused look now made it's way onto Lucas' face and he raised both his eyebrows. "Now why would I do that?" the blue haired boy asked in a confused tone while tilting his head a bit to the side.

Softly Taehyung began to laugh again before locking eyes with the younger once again. "Last time you sided with Kai remember? I was joking about that." The blond spoke before sending a wink Lucas' way. A small smile became visible on Lucas' face once again and he softly shook his head while squeezing the blonde boy's hand. "Your friends opened my eyes."

"I made that mistake once and I sure as hell won't repeat it a second time."



bit of a short chapter but I think it's cute haha. Hope you guys liked it as well!

Question of the chapter:

What moment did you realize that your bias was in fact your bias?

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