Chapter 33

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After their talk the two boys slowly began to walk back to the Bangtan table. Taehyung hoped Jungkook would somewhat change his behavior and became the boy he used to be again.  After all, the blonde missed that Jungkook a lot.

It felt like the first time in forever that the street racer had opened up to someone again. The boy had been pretty closed of lately and the fact that he had been willing to talk to Taehyung actually made the young student really happy. Maybe the younger boy would now finally think before doing something again.

A small smile began to form onto the young student's face as soon as he recognizes the familiar face of Jimin sitting next to Yoongi. The pink haired boy had begun to join the other boys during lunch a lot more ever since he had gotten into a relationship with Yoongi and Taehyung couldn't be happier about that fact. He had always wanted Jimin to not spend all his lunch breaks alone and now the boy finally wasn't doing that anymore.

Jimin and Yoongi fitted really well together in the blonde boy's eyes. The two of them really brought out the best in each other. Yoongi made Jimin a bit more daring while Jimin made Yoongi a bit less daring, which is exactly what the two boys needed.

However the smile on the blonde boy's face quickly got wiped of his face as soon as he recognized yet antoher unfamiliar face at the Bangtan table. Jennie was sitting next to Yoongi while slowly rubbing up and down the boys arm. A very annoyed look was visible on the silver haired boy's face and he looked like he was about to explode any minute now.

"What the fuck." An angry Jungkook suddenly said as soon as he noticed the black haired girl too, annoyance clearly lacing his voice. The younger boy quickly walked towards their usual table while a angry look was visible on his face. He didn't like it at all that the black haired girl had joined his friends at their table and he would make sure that Jennie would know that too.

"What are you doing here, get the fuck out of my sight." Jungkook then spoke angrily while looking like he was ready to murder someone. It was as clear as crystal that the boy didn't want Jennie anywhere near him or any of his friends. These two clearly had some beef going on and a surprised look began to form onto Taehyung's face. What the hell was happening? Why was Jungkook getting so fed up over the small girl sitting at their table?

Slowly Jennie turned towards Jungkook while a sly smirk was visible on her face. "Nice to see you too Jungkook." The black haired girl spoke before sending a wink in the ravenette's direction. "Can't really say I missed you though but I guess you figured that out by now." She finished before focussing on Yoongi again.

"Why won't you just come over this evening." She said in a seducing tone while leaning closer and closer towards the grey haired boy who had a scowl on his face. "I promise we'll have loads of fun...if you get what I mean." Jennie spoke while winking at Yoongi. The girl was practically offering herself to the silver haired boy and a disgusted look began to form onto Taehyung's face. Why the fuck would you downgrade yourself this much? Never in a million years would the blonde boy do what Jennie was doing right now.

"No get the fuck away from me, my boyfriend is literally sitting next to me you whore." The grey haired boy then spoke before harshly pushing Jennie away and taking Jimin in his arms. An annoyed look was visible on the pink haired boy's face and he looked at the black haired girl with hatered in his eyes. Yoongi was his boyfriend and this girl should keep her fucking hands far away from him or he would make sure she wouldn't have any hands left.

"You heared him." Jungkook then backed his friend up, pure hatred lacing his voice. "Fuck off Jennie, we don't want you here." The ravenette spoke while he narrowed his eyes. The black haired girl was pissing him of a lot and he didn't like it one bit. It wouldn't take long before he wouldn't be able to control his emotions anymore and while he would never hit a girl, this one was really testing his nerves.

"You know Kook, you look like a mess." Jennie then said while locking eyes with Jungkook. A challenging look was visible on the small girls face and she was clearly ready to put up a fight. "Kinda hot if you ask me." She then spoke towards the angry male while softly licking her lips and winking at the boy.

A scoff left Jungkook's mouth and a pissed look became visible on his face. Rage was clearly soaring through the boy's veins and he looked like he could explode any moment now. "Yeah, I'd put me on that list of yours again." The ravenette answered, a sarcastic tone lacing his voice.

A confused look began to form onto Taehyung's face and he looked at Jungkook as if the boy was an alien. What list was he talking about? These two people clearly had some history together and by the looks of it it hadn't ended on good terms. Even though the blonde boy was very curious about it he decided to keep his mouth shut. This wasn't his battle to fight and he shouldn't interfere. He had no idea what this was about anyway.

"Maybe I will." Jennie answered back while sending another wink Jungkook's way. She then turned to Yoongi once again while looking at him with a sly smirk on her face. "I'll come back another time baby." She whispered in his ear while trying to sound as seductive as possible. "It's getting a little crowded around here."

Jennie then stood up from where she had been sitting and looked at Jungkook with a challenging look on her face one last time before turning around and walking away. She had clearly come here with one goal and while Jungkook was around she wasn't going to achieve it anytime soon. She would come back when Yoongi was alone again. That way it would be easier anyway.

Quickly Jin turned around while looking at the girl who was walking away from them with an angry look on his face. "YEAH DON'T COME BACK!" He shouted after her while anger was radiating from his body. "NOBODY HERE LIKES YOU ANYWAY!" The brown haired boy finished before turning around again and focussing on his raven haired friend.

Jungkook hadn't been doing well lately and the last thing he needed now was to be confronted with that evil witch. She had clearly set her eyes on Yoongi and while the silver haired boy would never give her what she wanted that still didn't make her go away. Jin would make sure she wouldn't hurt anyone of his friend group ever again. Kim Jennie was pure evil in his eyes and there was no one that could convince him otherwise.

A hesistant look began to make it's way onto Taehyung's face and he looked around the group. These boys all had some reasons for not liking Jennie at all and while he surely had his own reason for not trusting her one bit he was quite curious about theirs.

"What was that all about?" The blonde boy decided to ask while a tense atmosphere was hanging around the group. Nobody clearly knew what to say or do and slowly the young student began to regret asking his question. Maybe these boys didn't want to tell him what their reason for disliking the black haired girl was. Maybe he had stepped out of line by opening his big mouth again.

"Jennie being a whore again, nothing new." Jungkook then decided to answer while looking down. By the look on the ravenette's face the blonde boy could tell that that answer wasn't all there was to the story but Taehyung decided not to push it. The ravenette would probably have a good reason for not telling everything. There was however one question that kept roaming through Taehyung's head.

What was that list Jungkook had been talking about?



so my original goal was to finish thipstory before 2021 but I guess I'm not gonna be able to. do that haha. hopefully I'll finish early January:)

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Do you believe in second chances?

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