Ch 2

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The Next Morning...

At some point during the night the power had been knocked out causing the alarm clocks in the house to reset and due to that no one's alarm had went off. By the time everybody had realized they had woken up late they needed to rush to get ready as it was already 9am and their flight would be leaving anytime now. "Someone grab the tickets" They were drying off from last night's mishap but were only a little damp now.

Steven was put in charge of doing a head count and made sure everybody was accounted for and since he counted 15 heads, then he divided the two groups to fit into the two vans. "Steven is everyone here?"


Since everyone seemed to be there the drivers were given the go ahead to head out to the airport. The neighbor kid waved them off before returning to his own house, the head count should have only been 14 heads but since he showed up the head count was off and no one had even realized the most important family member was missing.

"Step on it, we're going to miss our flight" Seth spoke up as he drank his morning coffee from a throw away cup so he could throw it away once he got to the airport. "The power outage last night must have messed with your clocks as well Sakazuki?" These drivers have been the men that Sakazuki went with every year to pick due to them as they were always on time but they were also close friends with the man.

"Unfortunately, it did" No one could have planned for it to happened but the man was thinking he should have had a backup plan if it did, this was the first time it had happened as the man usually carried out his travel plans without a hitch. "Heard the phone lines will be a mess for a couple of days as well but good thing your out of town" They had explained that the wind had been quite bad the night before that it knocked over a few trees in the neighborhood, mostly of the power lines had been fixed but the phone lines still required work.

"Yes, we should be gone a week or so"

Having arrived at the airport they grabbed their bags before starting to run to get to their gate, after going through security and dropping their bags off they had made it to the doors before the plane had left. "Take whatever seat is free" Thanking the flight attendant they rush to find seats but since they were late, they couldn't sit in their assigned ones.


Back At The House...

The young girl who had been left at home finally woke up and moved to sit up straight on the bed. Letting out a yawn she threw the sheets to the side before getting out of bed. She wasn't sure what time it was but the house was silent and the sun was shining through the window so the girl would have said it was the afternoon but that would mean they missed that flight.

"Dad?" (Y/n) went to her Father's bedroom but it was empty, confused she continued onto check everyone else's bedrooms but they were the same as her Father's. "What the hell?" Going down the stairs see no longer see's the pile of baggage that had been there the night before, "No, they couldn't have forgotten me" Looking around the house some more the girl confirms her worst fear "They left me behind, how it that even possible?"

A group of mostly law enforcement managed the leave one person behind, she really was confused how they could have done that as a head count would have easily let them know one person was missing. (Y/n) wasn't sure what to do so she made her way over to the landline before picking it up, holding it to her ear, "Shit, lines dead" Hanging the phone back up (Y/n) came to the conclusion she would have to wait for them to realize she wasn't there.

"How shall I spend my day in the meantime?" Walking into the kitchen she went through the cabinets till she decided on some cereal, not trusting herself to cook a meal on the stove. Taking the milk from the fridge and pouring it over the bowl of cereal there wasn't a lot left as it trickled out of the jug barely being enough but it would have to do. "I need to go shopping" Her family had not bought any groceries since they had planned to leave for their trip and didn't want them to go bad while they were gone.

Deciding she would watch some Christmas movies she took her cereal into the living room before settling down in front of their movie shelf. Running her finger over the clamshell VHS cases, she finally selected one, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, it was easily her favorite. Popping it open she discovered someone had forgotten to rewind it before placing it back in its case "Morons..." She scooped the last bite of cereal into her mouth before setting the bowl on the table before crawling over to the VHS rewinder placing the movie into it before pushing it down so it could start rewinding.

Knowing it would take a minute or two she took her bowl back to the kitchen. Then going back to the living room but grabbing a tub of ice cream as well as a spoon before she did. Arriving back to the living room just as the rewinder pops. Taking it out she put it in the VCR before powering on the tv and turning up the volume before jumping back in the chair causing the foot rest to pop itself up as she got comfy. Focusing on the movie occasionally scooping some ice cream into her mouth (Y/n) was enjoying herself but she was still mad about being forgotten.


On the Plane...

Seth had originally supposed to be sitting next to (Y/n) on the flight but due to being late they had to sit in the seats that remained. He was stuck between two older ladies at had been talking to each other since take off, Seth offered to switch seats with one of them but they declined. Wondering where his little sister ended up, he was looked around the plane when he was on the way back from the restroom but didn't see her.

He seen his brother eating his packaged nuts so walked over to his seat to ask if he seen the girl. "Steven?" The man stopping eat before turning to his brother "Can you believe Dad is sitting up in First Class and were back here like peasants!?"

"Yeah, sure whatever. Did you see where (Y/n) choose to sit?" Thinking about it the man started to look around before retuning his eyes to his brother "Hm. No and I don't see her. Maybe she went to the restroom?"

"No, I just came from there" Steven thought about it before he came up with a reasonable explanation as to where the girl had been. "She probably stuck into first class, check there" Listening to his brother he asked a flight attendant if he could check First Class for his sister, they didn't have a problem with letting him check and they let him through right away when he asked.

Since his Father seen Seth enter First Class looking around, he thought the man was there for him. "What's wrong Seth?" Turning to his Father who had stood up he asked him about the missing girl "Did (Y/n) sneak up here? I can't find her back in Coach" Seeing his Father's eyes widening before he spoke worried the man and he had reason to "No. She didn't come up here, are you sure she's not back there asleep?"

"No, I checked all the seats and she's not in the restroom either" Immediately his Father stood up before rushing to check the whole plane but he returned when couldn't find his daughter "Who did the head count?" His voice was scary before Seth shuddered out a response "S-Steven"

At his Father's request Seth went to bring Steven up to face his Father's fury. "What's up Pop's?" "How many heads did you count?" "Fifteen plus the two drivers" It was Uncle Borsalino who spoke up after Steven, that made everyone's mouth drop open "What about the neighbor kid who was there but went home as we left?"

It was a little more reassuring to the man that there was a high possibility that his daughter was safe at home and not lost at the airport or on another plane. "So, we left (Y/n) at home because Steven got the count wrong?" He said it with a level of calmness that had Steven fearful for his life. "It's alright brother, (Y/n) isn't a child so she should be fine until we can return to get her"

Sakazuki didn't want to admit that his little girl wasn't so little anymore but that didn't matter to him she'd always be that small bundle wrapped in a pink he and his wife brought home sixteen years old. "As soon as we land, I'll call home and will also book a flight home to get her, but the others should enjoy their vacation"

"Whatever you want Sakazuki" Borsalino told anyone he would keep his brother calm for the rest of the flight and they returned to their seats. Steven felt so guilty for his mistake and made a note to get his sister a few extra gifts to make it up to her.


End Chapter 2

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