Ch 16

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One Month Later...

It had been about a month since Bellamy started working for Sakazuki as (Y/n)'s personal bodyguard and throughout that month Doflamingo hadn't attacked (Y/n) nor had he sent anyone in his place. (Y/n) learned that the man was supposedly ordered to serve eight months of house arrest but that didn't make (Y/n) feel any better. Since what was stopping him from just leaving and coming back to her house, nothing was. Though during the month new neighbors had moved into the house across from hers and they were an odd pair indeed.

(Y/n) had gotten Bellamy go investigate them but when he came back, he brought a muffin basket with him. She had concerns over the muffin basket as usually new neighbors would get a gift basket not the other way around. Her concerns didn't last long though after she tried one of the muffins, of course after she had Bellamy eat one first to make sure it wasn't poisoned.

She couldn't deny the muffins were incredible though (Y/n) was surprised when the food didn't stop with just the muffins. The young lady, Cindy, was apparently a baker who would experiment with different recipes at home so any extras were offered to (Y/n) since the girl would have to throw them out when no one would eat them. (Y/n) didn't complain though plus her Father would take some with him to the station and the officers there loved it when they got sweets.

During the month (Y/n) had been doing her own research on her enemy and learned exactly where the murderer lived so here, she was reading the directions off her map to the driver. Now it probably wasn't the best thing in the world to go straight to the man's house but (Y/n) didn't care. "Take the next left Bellamy!"

"Are you sure your reading the map correctly (Y/n)?" They had been driving for about half an hour but Bellamy was starting to think the girl was reading the map wrong since he thought they would have reached their destination by now. "I'm the one with the map Bellamy!" (Y/n) looked down and traced out her route that she marked with a red marker as the clueless driver continued driving down the road.

The man wasn't sure where (Y/n) was leading them but regardless of his better judgment he did as the girl said and took the left turn. (Y/n) had talked her Father into letting Bellamy take her to a nearby park but what her Father didn't know was the girl was making a quick stop beforehand. What her Father didn't know wouldn't kill him.


"(Y/n)? This isn't the par- Wait (Y/n) where are you going!?" Bellamy tried to grab (Y/n) as she exited the vehicle but she was too quick for him. Now he understood why the girl insisted that she brought a baseball bat with her, they were currently parked outside of the gate that surrounded the home of his boss. "(Y/n) get back in the car, who's house is this!" He didn't want (Y/n) to catch onto the fact that he knew this home belonged to Doflamingo.

"A murderer!" (Y/n) walked up to the gate as she tried to climb it but Bellamy stopped her. "This is trespassing (Y/n), you could be arrested!"


"Hey! Hey! Hey! Young Master that girl you like is outside the gates with a baseball bat!" Doflamingo hummed before he got up to see if what Trebol say was actually true. Looking out of the front window he could clearing see a girl holding a baseball ball being held back by Bellamy. "What do you think (Y/n) is doing here and why does she have a bat Young Master!?"

"She's probably here to beat me up, though I'm not sure how she found out where I lived. Fufufufu, someone go let her in" Trebol went to do as Doflamingo asked, leaving the man to continue staring at (Y/n) while he drank his glass of wine. Once the gates opened, he closed the curtains before he went back to sit down and wait for (Y/n) make her way inside.

"(Y/n)... such a special one indeed"


"Miss (Y/n)! Please follow me the Young Master will see you now" Bellamy pulled the girl behind him as he stared at the man before them, Trebol. "She's not going anywhere, who's house is this!?" Trebol knew Bellamy was keeping his little act up for (Y/n)'s sake so answered the question. "This is the home of Master Donquixote Doflamingo"

Bellamy was going to speak up again but (Y/n) pushed past him as she started walking up the driveway. "Perfect, come on Bellamy" There wasn't anything Bellamy could do without forcefully picking up the girl and dragged her back to the car but if Doflamingo wanted to see the girl he couldn't interfere.

"Maybe you should leave the bat in the car (Y/n)?"

"Hell no, I'm fighting that man if he tries anything!" Bellamy watched as (Y/n) swung her bat around as they walked up the driveway but she stopped once they reached the front door. The man that greeted them at the gates opened the door and stepped inside before (Y/n) followed quickly after. They were then led to a living room where a blonde sat waiting for them.

"Welcome (Y/n)! I wasn't expecting you please have a seat~" (Y/n) wasn't sure if she should sit down, she only came here to tell the man to leave her alone but now she was a little scared. Sure, she had Bellamy here but Doflamingo probably had a few bodyguards of his own. "Don't sound so happy to see me!"

"There's no need to be afraid sweet (Y/n) I had no intentions on hurting you"

"I'm well aware you don't plan to hurt me but you do have plans to kill me" Once (Y/n) said that she seen Doflamingo's grin fall as veins began popping on his forehead. "I don't wish to kill you either!" Doflamingo had tried to get up off the couch but his movement caused (Y/n) to swing her bat at him. Though Doflamingo caught it in his hand before it could hit him. "Bellamy do something!" Her hands dropped the bat as she run behind Bellamy for protection.

"It's okay (Y/n) let's go... Her bat?" Her Father wouldn't be happy if he knew she had lost it and would question how it happened. Doflamingo handed the object over before he took one last glance at the girl behind Bellamy. "If I wanted you dead (Y/n) it would have happened by now. I'm sure we'll see each other again someday, take care my little birdie~"


"(Y/n) why did you do that!" Bellamy was driving back to (Y/n) house but he was pressing the girl for an answer. "Did you hear him call me his 'little birdie', why would he give me a nickname?" They had left Doflamingo's house almost ten minutes ago but (Y/n) could still hear his voice echoing in her head.

"I don't know (Y/n) but isn't that proof that he doesn't want to end your life? He could have killed us both right there but he didn't" Bellamy was correct, Doflamingo could have easily killed them both and made sure nobody even knew they were even there. Her Father thought she went to a park; he wouldn't even think she'd go to Doflamingo's house.

"You could be right Bellamy but if he doesn't want to kill me then what does he want?" Bellamy didn't reply to (Y/n)'s question but he had a good idea of what was going on in Doflamingo's head when it came to what he planned to do with (Y/n).

Since the girl didn't get a response, she instead looked out the window as she tried to come up with the reason as to why Doflamingo didn't want to kill her. She couldn't come up with a reasonable conclusion and she highly doubted it was because the man held any feeling towards her, that would be ridiculous.


Soon Bellamy's car had pulled into the driveway of (Y/n)'s house, he was glad that her Father wasn't home yet. "Come on (Y/n) I'll make you some to eat" Bellamy opened the door for (Y/n) to step out of his car before they made their way to the front door. It was locked so Bellamy had to unlock it, as he did (Y/n)'s eyes wandered over to her new neighbors house the girl started questioning how they had moved in so quickly and what their motions were. For all (Y/n) knew they could work for Doflamingo.

Hearing the click on the lock (Y/n) turned back to walk into her house but the Doflamingo situation was growing more complex then before. Maybe the girl shouldn't have went to his house after all but at least now she didn't need to worry about waking up with a knife in her gut.

Though she still needed to figure out just what Doflamingo wanted from her. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bellamy calling her name from the kitchen so she pushed him from her mind as she went to eat what the man had prepared.


End Chapter 16

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