Ch 12

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Smoker was in the passenger seat this time while Ace got to drive so the man decided to talk with (Y/n) during the drive. "It shouldn't take us too long to get back to your place (Y/n) and we still have plenty of time before your Father's flight lands"

(Y/n) talked with Smoker the whole drive but after hearing Law's story she was more on edge than before. Since if that man searched for months just to kill his own brother that meant nothing would stand in his way if he wanted to kill her. (Y/n) didn't want to worry Smoker if he saw her worried so she put on a fake smile as something else entered her mind.

"We don't have a Christmas tree!" Since (Y/n)'s family was going to be away during Christmas they didn't even get a tree this year. Most of the time it didn't make sense to buy a tree since they wouldn't get to enjoy it that long before they would need to throw it away. Though sometimes they did buy a tree just so (Y/n) could decorate it but not this year.

"We already took care of that. There's a nice big Christmas tree at home just waiting for you to decorate it" That made (Y/n) light up, Christmas just wouldn't be the same without one. At least now (Y/n) didn't have to resort to cutting down that fine-looking tree in her backyard.

"Really!?" Smoker just nodded to the girl as he continued talking to her but soon enough, they pulled into (Y/n)'s driveway and (Y/n) couldn't help but remember what happened there just a few nights ago. As Smoker opened the door for her he seen the look in her eyes as she stared at the house but he just held his hand out for her to take.

(Y/n) took Smokers hand as she slipped out of the seat but she turned around to grab her bag before she started walking to the front door with Smoker. She had turned around to watch Ace reverse out of the driveway as he headed off to the airport. Though after he was out of sight (Y/n) walked through the open door of the house before she closed the door behind her.

"In here (Y/n)!" She removed her shoes before going in the direction Smoker's voice came from. Rounding the corner, she sees Smoker standing in the living room next to a Christmas tree. "So pretty!" (Y/n) stared at the tree noticing it hadn't been decorated yet but there weren't any decorations around. "The Christmas ornaments and lights are in the basement"

Smoker offered to go get the boxes from the basement as (Y/n) roamed around the house to see if everything was as it should be. Walking into the kitchen (Y/n) noticed the door was replaced and the fruit bowl was placed back on the island, she had thrown it across the room while retrieving her Father's gun on that night.

She walked back through the living room before making her way to the base of the stairs. Looking over at the door the nail indents could still be seen but that's not what (Y/n) was looking for. Instead her eyes were fixed on the two spots where those men had been shot, there was no trace of blood but she could still see their bodies and hear their screams as that man gunned them down.

"He's a monster" She stayed there for another minute until she heard Smoker calling her name from the basement (Y/n) turned away as she wiped her tears before she went to see what Smoker needed. "Is something wrong Smokey?"

"Which box has your Christmas decorations in it (Y/n), none of these seem to be labeled" Scanned the boxes (Y/n)'s eyes finally landed on the one with a blue lid. "It's that one with the blue lid" After (Y/n) pointed out the correct container to Smoker he easily reached up and pulled it from the top of the pile.

"Let's go back upstairs" (Y/n) started up the stairs as Smoker followed quietly behind with the container in hand. "Are you going to wait until your family comes back so they can help decorate the tree as well?"

"They hate decorating the tree so I usually do it alone while they drink eggnog on the couch" (Y/n) took the lid off the box before she pulled out a ball of tangled lights. She started to untangle them and test them before she let Smoker wrap them around the tree. "This is the last set Smokey" Handing the man the lights she watched as he put them on before he stepped back to look at his work.

"How's that (Y/n)?"

"Perfect!" With the lights on the tree (Y/n) could now start placing the many different ornaments on it.


(Y/n) was still decorating the tree when the sound of a door opening caught her attention, it was followed by two men arguing. They were back and (Y/n) quickly put the tray of ornaments down before she run to the front door.

"Daddy!" The girl jumped up into her Father's arm as he was taking off his boots but he still managed to catch her. "There's my sweet girl" (Y/n) was set on the ground as her brothers ruffled her hair. "Missed you little sister"

Smoker had walked out of the living at this point and said his goodbyes before he left with Ace. With them gone (Y/n) wanted her family to come into the living room with her. So once everyone had their boots off, they joined (Y/n) in the living room as they watched her decorate the tree from their seats. Soon (Y/n) only had one object left to place on the tree, the star.

"Dad?" The man looked up at his daughter and seen the star in her hands so got up to help her. He lifted her up as she placed the star on the top of the tree before she plugged it into the other lights so it could light up as well.

Once she was placed back on the floor, she plugged the cord into the wall then stepped back to take in her creation. "Good work sis, it's looks great" (Y/n) nodded before she took a seat between her two brothers but looking back over at her Father a thought came to her mind.

"Your going to make sure that man doesn't hurt me right Dad?" An angry look appeared on the mans as he spoke. "If he wants you, he'll have to go through the whole police department first. I'm not letting anything happen to you (Y/n), I promise"

That gave the girl some peace of mind, it wasn't a lot but it was enough to push the man from her thoughts as she sat back to enjoy a movie. "What do you want to watch (Y/n)?"

"Gremlins" Steven jumped a little from his seat at his sisters' answer. "What, no! That movie creeps me out!" (Y/n) wouldn't change her mind on the movie she wanted even with Steven begging her to pick something else. "I heard a rumor that you miscounted heads Steven, is that true?"

"... Seth why don't you find the movie?" Steven didn't want to answer his sister's question so agreed to sit through the movie. Though about half way through (Y/n) had fallen asleep against Seth's shoulder, when everyone noticed they decided to call it a night.

(Y/n) was being carried to her bedroom by her Father who tightly tucked her in for the night before he left the room. "Boys!" The two boys were waiting outside their sisters' room when the man exited, they couldn't go to bed just yet.

They all gathered in the kitchen as they started to discuss their current situation. "What do we know about this guy?" Sakazuki lit a cigar as he threw a folder at Seth, he opens it before he started reading the first few couple pages. "(Y/n) can't be left alone"

"School will be starting back up in a few weeks" Sakazuki exhaled his cigar smoke before he responded. "We can have her homeschooled, then one of us can be home with her most days but if not, we can bring her in with us"

"But that's not a permeant solution, if that man wishes her harm, he has the means to do it"

"I know but it's the only thing I can do right now!" He excused himself from the room as he headed for bed, Seth and Steven followed shortly after, they put the file somewhere (Y/n) wouldn't find it first though. "I'd kill that man if I could, how dare he go after someone as sweet as (Y/n)" Seth agreed with his brother but there was little they could about it tonight. "Get some sleep Steven, we'll look at this tomorrow with clear minds"

"Your right, night" The brothers parted way as they settled into bed for the night but each had their guns loaded and ready to go if anything should happen.


End Chapter 12

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