Ch 18

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"Luffy, are you okay?" They had noticed Luffy was staring at the direction Doflamingo had driven off in for a while now and they were growing concerned for him. "That man knows Law... why?" Nami went up Luffy and put her hand on his shoulder before she began pushing him in the direction of the ballfield. "We need to pick (Y/n) up Luffy, you'll have to ask Law that question later"

"Your right Nami! (Y/n) must be waiting for us!"


"(Y/n) stop trying to put pressure on your foot! It could be broken!" After the two teams finished taking pictures the Coaches started leading their teams back to the dressing rooms. It would take the other team about an hour and a half for them to drive back to their home town and their bus was already waiting. Though before (Y/n) was dragged into their dressing room she seen the two Coaches flirting with each other.

"It's not broken Sara and look your man is being stolen by the rival teams Coach" (Y/n) pointed at the two Coaches as the other girl turned her head around quickly before she started scanning the field. "What, where!?" Sara didn't want to believe what (Y/n) had just said but once her eyes landed on the pair her mouth dropped.

"Claire! Take (Y/n) inside, I have to save my Bellamy!" As Claire took (Y/n) by her underarm the girl's eyes looked at Sara with a disapproving look. "Your going to get that man into trouble Sara, leave him alone" That didn't deter the girl as she started walking towards Bellamy though she did shout one last remark at Claire before she did. "I'm eighteen it's fine"

"Come on (Y/n) I'd rather not watch Sara make a fool out of herself" As (Y/n) followed Claire into the dressing room she couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "Don't you think they'd make a cute pair?"

"No, for one he was our Coach all summer and second of all it's too much of an age difference" Once in the dressing room (Y/n) was placed on a bench as Claire started packing her stuff up for her. "Are we still having that sleepover at my house tonight girls?"

"Wouldn't miss it (Y/n)! You're not going to be stuck in the ER all day, are you?" (Y/n) shook her head before she replied with a small smile on her face. "Nah, Law can look at for me" She was glad that Luffy was dating Law, she never liked being stuck in the ER for hours on end surrounded by sick people.

"Here's your stuff (Y/n) it should be everything. Zoro just texted me that he's waiting outside" Once Claire said that (Y/n) remembered they were picking them up and taking them home though she couldn't help but let out a little giggle at the mention of Zoro. "Your boyfriend actually found the place?"

"Hahaha, very funny (Y/n). Let's go I don't want to keep him waiting, can someone help (Y/n) outside?"


"Zoro!" (Y/n) seen Claire's face light up as she dropped the bags, she was carrying and jumped into Zoro's arms once he turned around. "How'd your game go Claire?" As she told the group how the game went, she finally got to the part where (Y/n) sprained her ankle sliding into the home plate. "Wha- (Y/n)-Swan is injured!? Please Princess allow me to carry you"

"Luffy is Law busy today? I'd rather not be in the waiting room all day" She seen Luffy pull out his phone as he pressed a few buttons then held the device to his ear. "Hey Torao! (Y/n) hurt her ankle can you look at it for her? .... Okay, we'll be there shortly. ... Yeah, I picked up your lunch but I eat some of it. ... Well I was hungry! ... Love you to, bye!"

"How did you get so lucky Luffy?" (Y/n) was surrounded by loving couples so where was her man, she didn't want to be alone forever. "What do you mean (Y/n)?" As a sigh later her mouth she replied to Luffy. "Everybody has someone in their life so where's my Romeo?"

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