Ch 7

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Joker was still awaiting his lawyer's arrival when it happened, the girl that caused him to end up here walked into the room. "Ah, (Y/n) welcome! What brings you here?" She had a smile on her face when she walked in but it slightly dropped hearing him say her name. "You know my name but I don't think you gave me yours?"

"Joker" She started laughing and that caused his grin to twitch, this girl should be scared of him but no instead it seemed like she was having the time of her life. "That's okay you don't need to tell me I'll see it in the paper before long, though you do need a name in the meantime... I shall call you Hamilton"

It was true he had to tell the officers his name once his lawyer got here but this girl shouldn't even be in here so he wasn't about to tell her who he was. "Fufufu. You can act as tough as you want (Y/n) but I know your truthy terrified being in here with me"

"And why is that Hamilton?" That name had to go. "Call me Doffy" He put his hand out towards (Y/n) causing her to jump back, he wasn't in cuffs so she thought he was trying to grab her. "That can't be your name either, but I don't think I want to know your name anymore, Hammy" Having gained some confidence she sat in the chair opposite of the man before she continued questioning him.

"You really don't want to know my name, I would have told you if you just said please" (Y/n) was smart enough not to give into the man's game, she often got to observe her Father's interrogations so she picked up a thing or two. "I'm fine not knowing"

The girl was sitting in front of him and with each word that came out of her mouth, the more he wanted to wrap his hands around her throat. "I'll let you know a secret (Y/n) just so we're on the same page" He motioned her to come closer, (Y/n) wasn't sure what he would do but she leaned forward till his lips we're almost touching her ear. "When I get released, I'm going hunt you down and enjoy every minute of your suffering until I finally kill you. Fufufu"

(Y/n) backed up her eyes widening, she didn't expect him to say that. "You killed two people you'll be in jail for years" "If that's true then you don't have anything to fear" The door opened behind the girl and his lawyer walked in, he's late but looks to have just dragged himself out of bed. "Excuse me Miss but I need to speak with my client, if you wouldn't mind leaving"

"Okay, but one more thing Hamilton. Come closer it's a secret" He was interested in what the girl could probably have to say so leaned forward as she placed her lips next to his ear. Her warm breath sent chills down his spine as she spoke "It's okay to be afraid of monsters but it's not okay to let them win" (Y/n) left the room as the man's lawyer sat down where she had previously been.


(Y/n) was a very interesting one that's for sure but with her gone Joker could face the problem at hand. "Fine mess you've gotten yourself into Sir, but we should be able to pull some strings" Joker knew this already, the only question was his punishment for all this.


Having done what, she came here to do she went to find Ace, she really wanted to leave this place. Just knowing she was in the same building as him was making her skin crawl. "Ace. Can we go now?" Seeing the girl returned Ace said goodbye to the officers he was talking to before leading (Y/n) to the parking lot. "Everything okay (Y/n)?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Not pressing (Y/n) anymore he opened the door for her before climbing into the driver seat. The drive didn't take long but on the way back to his place (Y/n) had fallen asleep, not wanting to wake her up he carried her inside before putting her into the guest bedroom. "Sleep tight (Y/n)"


After the man's lawyer arrived the station had received a call from their higher ups ordering the man's release, all the necessary documents had been faxed over and were clear as to what they were to do. They had tried to reason with the higher ups, even explaining he was connected to the murder two men just hours before but at the end of it the higher ups had the final say.

Donquixote Doflamingo, the man who killed two people and injured a third just hours before was able to walk freely out of the station but he would still need to appear in court at a later date. Needless to say, Smoker was not happy about this, he ordered a 24-hour protection unit to patrol outside his house as he was sure the man would try to finish (Y/n) off if he had the chance. It was the middle of the night but Smoker needed to call the girl's Father so he knew what was going on.


"Doffy what are your plans now?" Having been picked up by a member of the family they were currently driving to the man's home that was about an hour away, but of course they needed to question him as soon as he stepped into the car. "I think I'll find a new hobby" Yes, the man only robbed houses because it was something to do. It had nothing to do with the money, he was quite rich but even the rich got bored of being able to buy everything they desired.

"What about that girl who caused all this trouble?" Doffy had been thinking about her for a while, even though she wasn't here anymore there was something about what she said to him that still bothered him. "She called me a monster you know?" A 'tis' could be heard from the driver. "Are you going to kill her Doffy?"

He had told the girl what he planned to do to her but he was beginning to second guess himself. She had such a cheerful smile on her face when she entered the room. "I thought I was going to but now I'm not sure" Looking down at his bandaged wrist he remembered the girl's teeth sinking into it, she was quite the fighter.

"What do you mean Doffy?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself" That look of fear (Y/n) on her face flashed in his mind and it made an unsettling feeling come over him. Once he had made it back home, he would figure out what he wanted to do with her but for now the girl will remain unharmed, he needed to handle his legal affairs first. "Drive a little faster, I'd like to return home as soon as possible" As the driver speed up Doffy settled into his seat and closed his eyes to get some rest.


After Smoker finished on the phone, he started making his way home, there wasn't much more he could do at the station and he needed to see how (Y/n) was since Ace told him he put the girl in their guest room. It would also be better if he was there should that Donquixote decided to make an appearance.

Based on how he murdered two men in cold blood and somehow walked out the station doors hours later left a bad taste in his mouth. According to Donquixote he was heading back home to wait on his court date but that doesn't mean they were completely safe from him.

"Ace? I'm home"

"I can't believe someone actually ordered that man to be released, he's a danger to the public's safety"

"Yes, for the time being we just need to watch (Y/n) closely. Her Father will be home Friday then he'll know what the best course of action is"


End Chapter 7

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