Ch 22

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"Bellamy, I missed you! Ah, (Y/n) what are you doing here!?" Once Sara laid her eyes on (Y/n) she began to smile as she pulled the girl into the apartment. "I'm being hunted by my stalker Sara but more importantly you hooked up with the coach and you didn't tell me!"

"You have a stalker?" Sara stared at the girl for a minute before she went back to the couch and patted the seat next to her. (Y/n) quickly started to take off her coat and boots as she answered the girls' question. "Yes, Doflamingo. You know the murderer"

"Right him but why are you even in New York?" Once (Y/n) sat beside her friend she noticed Bellamy was heading to the kitchen but didn't think much about it. "I got on the wrong plane"

"How did you even manage that (Y/n)?"

"I was listening to music so I didn't hear the attendant say what plane I was on and to my defense I thought my Dad had gotten on the flight right before me" Sara was going to ask (Y/n) another question when Bellamy walked back into the room with two plates of food. "Here (Y/n) I'm sure you could use something to eat"

"Isn't my Bellamy just the best (Y/n)?" She took the plate before she replied to Sara while Bellamy went back into the kitchen to get his own plate. "How did you even get with Bellamy in the first place?" (Y/n) was curious about this odd couple but Sara just held her fork to her lips as she smirked at her friend.

"Sorry that information is classified (Y/n) but our love story started with your little dare so I really should be thanking you" Turning back to their plates the girls continued eating in silence until their meals were gone. When they had finished Bellamy took their plates from them and went to wash the dishes. "How come Bellamy's like your personal maid Sara?"

"He likes to take care of me... actually if I try to do any housework, he doesn't let me but that might because I caught the stove on fire trying to boil some water when we first moved in" (Y/n) could believe that since Sara almost burned her house down when she forgot to take the plastic wrap off of the popcorn before she put it into the microwave. That and the girl set it for 20 minutes instead of two minutes.

"Anyways (Y/n) tell me all about this stalker of yours, I'm curious~"


"Young Master please calm down we'll find the girl as soon as possible" Doflamingo had just arrived in his penthouse but when Monet told him that (Y/n) wasn't there he became furious with the pair. "I can't believe you two morons let my Birdie run away!"

"It wasn't completely our fault Young Master (Y/n) started running before we could take a hold of her arms, we couldn't risk following her encase anyone saw us" As Doflamingo was thinking about (Y/n) a man ran into the room looking out of breath. "We have located the girl, Sir!"

"Good, where is she?" The man who entered the room spoke quickly after Doflamingo demanded to know where his Little Birdie was. "Bellamy took her home with him a few hours ago, we have a few men watching the apartment building as we speak" As Doflamingo started growling the people in the room took a few steps back as they knew the man could be violent when he was angry.

"I want my Little Birdie back and Bellamy will not keep me from having her. What do we have on Bellamy?"

"He has his girlfriend living with him but she'd one of (Y/n)'s best friends" Doflamingo's grin widened as he took a seat on the couch. "Perfect~ If he wants to take what's mine, we'll just have to take what's his~"


"Don't take too long Sara. I love you~" Sara needed to go out to the store but she didn't plan to take long, the girl just wanted a few snacks from the corner store just down the road. It was dark at this point but Sara did this often so she wasn't worried.

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