Ch 26

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"Pick out some pajamas to wear (Y/n)~ I got you a ton of options so take your time, there in the top drawer" Doflamingo had been already gotten dressed and was staring at (Y/n) who was only wearing a towel. "Stop looking at me!" (Y/n) held her towel tighter as she glared at Doflamingo would didn't stop staring at her. "Why?"

"I don't want you staring at me while I get dressed" When Doflamingo rolled onto his stomach and pressed his face into the pillow (Y/n) quickly started to dress herself before he could turn back around. "Doflamingo, you need to let me go home... I miss my family" His head snapped to the side as he growled at the girl for ever suggesting such a thing. "No, I need you to stay here with me!"

"H-How could you say that you love me but all you do is hurt me!" Doflamingo was taken back by (Y/n)'s statement as he rolled off the bed and walked over to her, he couldn't miss the way she flinched as he got closer to her. "(Y/n), my love~ I'm not trying to hurt you, this is the only way we can be together"

"Don't come near me! Your hand was around my throat just because I didn't do what you wanted. If you really loved me then you would never have done such an awful thing!" (Y/n) was trapped in a corner but Doflamingo hadn't moved from his spot as he took in what she had said. "I'll sleep in the living room... you can have this room to yourself... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry"


When Doflamingo left the bedroom, he made sure to lock it before he made his way over to the couch. "I need to make it up to her... she's scared of me and I can't have that" His eyes shifted to the bedroom door as he could hear the sound of crying, he bit his lip but, in the end, he went to the kitchen to find a drink instead.

"Hm... red or white?" He put the bottle of white down as he popped the cork off of the bottle of red, Doflamingo didn't bother to get a glass as he would most likely drink the whole bottle anyways. "She'll understand one day that this is all for her"


"I hate him!" (Y/n) was crying into a pillow as she curled herself into a ball underneath the covers and hoped that Doflamingo didn't come back until the morning. She had heard him lock the door so there was no chance that she could leave the room even if she wanted to.

Since (Y/n) was trapped in the bedroom without Doflamingo the girl decided it would be the thing to get some sleep while she could. "Someone will find me I just know it" With those finally words (Y/n) let herself fall into the deep slumber as thoughts of her family filled her head.


The Next Morning...

When Doflamingo woke up the next day he let out a yawn as he took in the empty wine bottles that were sitting on the coffee table. He may have had a few more bottles of wine then he originally planned to last night but since he didn't hear (Y/n) screaming he figured she was most likely still asleep. "I'll clean up and make her some breakfast"

He walked past (Y/n)'s room and opened the door to see if she was sleep or not. When he seen that she was holding onto a pillow and snoring lightly he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Before he could disrupt her sleep Doflamingo closed the door and locked it before he made his way into the bathroom.

"She's so cute~ I think I'll make her some pancakes for breakfast~"



(Y/n) eyes popped open as she sat up in bed but when her eyes met the man standing a few feet away from her she immediately hid under the covers since he wasn't wearing any clothes. "Oh, (Y/n) your up~ I'm going to make you some pancakes for breakfast unless you want something else"

Doflamingo x Reader {Home Alone}Where stories live. Discover now