Ch 21

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Since the flight was going to be long one about 30 minutes after take off (Y/n) decided she'd have a nap. She was lucky enough to get a window seat so no one would have to bother her if they needed to use the restroom during the flight.

(Y/n) didn't know it but she had slept for the entire flight and she would have stayed asleep longer if the kind passenger beside her didn't wake her up. "Miss?" Since (Y/n) had slept for so long it took her a few seconds to realize that someone was poking her. Looking up she seen a lady was giving her a kind smile before she quickly spoke. "Sorry little miss didn't mean to wake you up so rudely but we landed. I didn't want you to get left behind"

"Oh, thank you so much!" Once the lady had moved towards the planes exit (Y/n) stood up as she retrieved her carry-on bag from the overhead compartment then headed for the exit herself. She didn't see her other family members on the plane so (Y/n) assumed that they were already waiting for her on the other side of the gate.

Walking out of the gate she looked around but didn't see any of the 14 other people she had been traveling with. "That's weird" (Y/n) decided that she should wait at the beach a few feet away of the boarding gate door, if anyone from her family was still getting off of the flight, she'd see them when they did.

When the last remaining flight attendances walked through the door (Y/n) seen them close the door, that meant the others must have went to meet somewhere else. (Y/n) was going to stand up but two people stepped in front of her before she could, one of them was a female who had green hair while the other was a male wearing purple lip stick.

"There you are (Y/n)-chan, we've been looking everywhere for you. Please come with us" When (Y/n) made no attempt to get up the green haired lady leaned down to whisper something into the girl's ear. "We don't have all day (Y/n)-chan. Now you're going to get up and follow us or else I'm going to slit the pretty throat of yours"

(Y/n) stared at the lady in fear as she stood up right away, she wasn't about to take the lady's threat lightly as the way she had said it made (Y/n) think she would actually do it. "H-How do you know my name?" As the lady hooked her arm around (Y/n)'s the pale men grabbed her bag before they started leading her to the airports exit.


Once they were outside (Y/n) could see that they were walking straight for a limo that was already waiting for them. She was shaking at this point but (Y/n) knew that screaming wouldn't do her any good if she couldn't get away from the two people. "That wasn't too difficult right (Y/n)-chan?"

"W-Who are you!? W-What d-do you want from me!?" The lady was trying to touch her hair so (Y/n) moved to the other side of the limo to be far away from her. "Well (Y/n)-chan, I'm Monet and this is Caesar. We're going to take you to the Young Master's penthouse until he can arrive, doesn't worry he shouldn't take too long"

"Young Master? Do you work for the son of a bitch Doflamingo!?" (Y/n) had seen Monet get up from her seat as she moved closer to her but she did something the girl didn't except her to do.


"Do not insult the Young Master (Y/n) that will be your only warning. Caesar why don't you see where the Young Master is?" (Y/n) was too busy crying and holding her knees to her chest to notice what the man was doing. "Young Master, we just picked up (Y/n) ... You want to speak to her? ... I'll put you on speaker ... Go head Young Master"

"My little birdie, however did you find yourself in New York while you're supposed to be in Florida? Fufufuf" That made (Y/n)'s eyes widen, she still hadn't realized that she had gotten on the wrong plane but now that she was looking out of the limo windows, she could see the tall buildings they were driving by. When (Y/n) didn't reply Doflamingo tried to ask her another question.

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