Ch 5

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As the men followed behind the running girl, they seen her go into a house, the same one that they were trying to break into the night before. "Ah, so she lives here" Watching as the girl shrugged with the door but soon managed to get it open and run inside. "She's going to call the police; we should leave town now" The man who spoke was nervous that much was clear but Joker was calm as always. "We come back tonight; we'll clean out the place then take care of any loss ends"

"What do you mean by 'lose ends'?" Thinking back to the girl the blonde started to grin, and it sent a chill down the driver's spine as Joker spoke "She seen our faces, I can't allow her to live now. It'd be too much of a risk" "I'm not killing a kid Joker, your insane if you think we'd do something like that" "Don't worry you take care of the loot and I'll take care of the girl" They couldn't talk him out of it so they agreed because the money was more important to them than one girls life.


(Y/n) was busy coming up with a plan to secure her home, she wasn't going to let anyone take all the items her Father worked hard to buy even though they could be replaced they each had a memory to them. As the plan was coming together (Y/n) was going around collecting items to use to her advantage. Finding a couple of one by six's in the garage she cut three pieces to fix on each door before dragging them back to the house with a hammer and a bucket of nails.

She boarded shut the three doors that lead outside so they couldn't be opened if the criminals came back. Then for extra protection she laid a few traps around the inside of the house encase they made it into the home. Remembering her Father's pistol, she received it from where he kept it before loading it and placed it in an empty fruit bowl in the kitchen hidden under a towel, if she needed it that's where she'd find it. Still not thinking to call Smoker she began waiting to see if the criminals would come back but, in the meantime, she starting heating up a microwave dinner since she was hungry.


Back at Joker's hideout the man was loading up his gun as he prepared for the night that was to come. "Joker are you sure killing the girl is necessary?" His partners seemed to face the fact that it was necessary at first but now they were still asking him to reconsider. "For the last time yes. If I don't, she'll tell on us" "How do you know she hasn't called the police already"

To put their questions to an end he lowered his tone when he spoke again. "My source would know. If you bring it up one more time, I might have to use this gun on you to instead" Making his point he pointed his gun at them before pulling the trigger, he wasn't aiming at them just beside one of their heads as a warning. "Sorry Sir! We won't bring it up again!"

"Good, it's time to go~"


Arriving at the house they parked in the driveway this time before making their way to the side door. "How are we going in Joker?" Based on the lights on within the house the girl was probably awake and would hear them coming. "Let's knock maybe she's stupid enough to open the door, fufufu"


'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

(Y/n) had been enjoying her mac & cheese when someone knocked on the side door, it almost made her choke on her food. Taking her focus off her plate she went over to the door before pulling up the binds to come face to face with a familiar looking creep. "Go away"

"Open the door and I promise not to hurt you. I just want your valuables" Watching the man's grin twitch upwards made (Y/n) know he was lying, so she retrieved her plate before going back to close the binds and started up the stairs hoping some of her traps slowed them down if they managed to get inside. Finding Smoker's cell, she also dialed Ace since this has gone to far, it would take at least ten minutes for anyone to get here since the house was in a somewhat rural neighborhood. Who's knows what could happen to her in those ten minutes though.

Doflamingo x Reader {Home Alone}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz