Ch 6

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As the officers searched the house, they found the two men's bodies in the entryway at the bottom of the stairs. "God, think about what this monster would have done to (Y/n) if we didn't get here in time" Not wanting to think of that the men continued their search while waiting for the medical examiner to arrive.

"Smoker, should we move (Y/n)?" Back in the kitchen a few men were surrounding the girl who had a pretty bad cut on her forehead that was starting to bruise. "No, we should wait until someone can check her" Hearing footsteps behind them they turned to see a young man walking through the door, the medical examiner. Seems he was in the middle of something as he was dressed in a suit and looked more angry than usual. "Trafalgar, sorry to call you so late but can you look at (Y/n) and we're got two bodies"

"I am the on-call examiner so it's expected" The man was young, only 24, but he already was well into his medical profession. He was extremely gifted with a scalpel and skipped a few years ahead in school due that reason, the man could perform the most difficult of surgeries, ones that not even those with ten years of experience could put off.

Having heard the last medical examiner 'quit' he took up the job, though the department still didn't know what happened to the previous one. He just stopped showing up for work one day and his place had been cleared out but no signs of foul play were found so they left it alone. Trafalgar was working on his Master's at the time and had been on leave from the hospital but found the time to assist the department in his free time.

"Let's see the damage" Checking over (Y/n) there were no signs of concussion but the girl would need a few stitches for her head, most likely the wound would leave a scar as well. "You can take her to the hospital for her head she'll just need a few stitches and probably should take it easy for the next couple of days. "Law?" A young boy walked into the house looking tired and bundled up in a black and yellow pull over with a smiley face on the front.

"Oh, sorry Luffy-ya looks like I'll be here for a while. Ace you're not working, do you mind taking Luffy home?" Ace had been looking at the two men wondering why they we're together. "But what about our date, I never got my dessert since we had to leave" His brother and Trafalgar had been on a date? This was new information to Ace as he wasn't aware his brother was dating anyone, he knew Luffy loved to make the doctor carry him around but he assumed they were just friends.

"You two were on a date?" Luffy was the one to answer "Yeah, Torao took me to a fancy restaurant and let me order anything I wanted" Completely disregarding (Y/n) he shifted as main focus to the doctor he just learned was involved with his brother. "So, Trafalgar? What are your intentions with my little brother?" Smoker knew he had to step in as they had work to do. "Not now Ace, take (Y/n) to the hospital, then take your brother home" Luffy said goodbye to Law before saying something that ticked Ace off. "Don't worry Ace you can talk to Torao at the family dinner"

"What!? Why is he going to be there?" Luffy laughed at his brother's antics, he didn't want Ace to know he was involved with the doctor since how overprotective he could get. "Yeah Garps said I could bring him. I don't want him to be alone at our house, Christmas is a time for family and friends to be together" Ace almost had a heart attack right there hearing his brother say 'our house' "What do you mean by 'our house'?" "I moved into Law's house a couple of weeks ago since I got kicked out of my apartment"

Luffy just smiled up at his boyfriend before hugging and kissing him goodbye then calling to his shocked brother "Come on Ace, (Y/n) doesn't look so good and she's bleeding" Coming back his senses Ace knew he couldn't take any more time interrogating the two men. Picking up (Y/n) he was careful not to cause anymore injuries to her as he left the house with Luffy following closely behind.


Joker had been placed in the back of a squad car in cuffs but they had been put on so tight his hands were beginning to go numb. He easily unlocked them before taking out his phone from his pocket, they took his gun away but left the man's cell. Dialing a number, he waited for the other person to answer before speaking. "I'm busted, two bodies and that girls still alive. Get me my lawyer"

"And the girl?"

"She's mine, for now she stays alive" He hung up the call, placing the phone back in his pocket before replacing the cuffs but a little looser than they were previously. Thinking about where the cop was that would take him to the station he was growing pissed off as he'd been out there for at least ten minutes. Looking through the front car window he sees a familiar looking girl beginning carried out, she was still limp.

"The girl who caused me so much trouble" Luffy had noticed the man staring at (Y/n) while he was walking with Ace and decided to go over to him. "Hey! Are you the creep who hurt (Y/n)?" The window so rolled down an inch or two so the man could hear the other who spoke. "..."

"I asked you a question. Did. You. Hurt. My. Friend?" Joker remained quiet as this 'boy' continued to question him but soon enough he left after the person carrying the girl told him to rush up. They had left but Joker couldn't stop thinking about the girl. His thoughts were interrupted as an officer returned to the car and began back to the station. "You're a really sick individual, how dare you try to hurt an innocence girl like (Y/n)"

So, her name was (Y/n)? With this new piece of information, the man said the girls name repeatedly in this mind as his grin was slowly widening until it was beginning to make the officer uncomfortable. "Stop smiling, it's creepy" The rest of the drive was spent in silence until they reached the station and he was led to booking. There was a lot of angry looks from the other officers as he was booked, the Chief brought his daughter into the station often so they all knew the girl well.

He had been uncuffed and searched before being led into a separate room where he'd be questioned. "Name?" Joker knew he didn't have to speak until his lawyer was present, and he was waiting for his call before he would make his appearance. "I want my lawyer" They allowed him to call his lawyer, and once doing so he told them his lawyer would be an hour or so. Since they still needed to question him and didn't want to put him with the rest of the criminals, they left him in a room by himself.


Ace and Luffy decided to stay by (Y/n)'s side until she woke up, they didn't want her to wake up alone. Having been there for almost an hour now the nurses had said she should be waking up any time now. Somebody was going to have to call Sakazuki about this but it could wait until tomorrow morning.

(Y/n) was beginning to stir before she popped her eyes open, at first, they were filled with fear but after seeing Ace and Luffy were by her side the girl calmed down. "Did you get him?" Ace wrapped the girl up in a hug before speaking. "He's at the station now" (Y/n) started crying as Ace held her closer trying to calm the girl down, the girl was so glad to still be alive but a thought crossed her mind.

"I'd like to speak to him"

"What (Y/n), why!? He almost killed you!!" Drying her tears, the girl finally spoke with determination in her voice. "It's just something I need to do" A smile spread across the girls face and Ace knew he wouldn't be able to talk her out of doing this. She definitely got that trait from her Father. "You win, I'll get the nurse to discharge you"


"Be sure you take it easy the next couple of days Miss (Y/n) you need to give your body time to heal" As (Y/n) was being lectured by the nurse Luffy was texting someone of his phone and he looked happier then usual when the phone would beep indicating someone had texted him back, it made (Y/n) curious. "Hey Luffy? Who are you texting?" Taking his eyes off his phone he smiled more before responding. "Law" Why would Luffy be so happy to text Law, (Y/n) was confused as she didn't think the doctor would have anything interesting to say. "Why are you so happy to be texting Law?"

"We're dating" As soon as those words left his mouth (Y/n) was demanding to know everything. "I'll tell you the whole story on the way to the station" Jumping into the car (Y/n) listened intensely to Luffy as he recalled how the two had gotten to together and how things had been going. "Wait? He just let you move in with him?" A laugh left Luffy's mouth as he continued. "He practically begged me to move in with him after finding out I got kicked out of my apartment" Luffy continued on with his story as (Y/n) was drooling over the details.


Pulling into Smoker's parking space Ace cut the engine before stepping out and opened the back-passenger door so the girl could step out. "Ready (Y/n)?" As the girl got out of the car, she looked towards the station with slight fear but knew nothing would hurt her within these walls. "Let's go, I have a lunatic to confront"


End Chapter 6

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