Ch 20

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Three Months Later...

"(Y/n) are you finished packing?" As the girl stared at her empty suitcase her Father walked into her room to check on her progress. "Why do we have to go to Florida, Dad? There's no snow in Florida" When (Y/n) turned around Sakazuki could see the pout on his daughters face. "I know you love the snow (Y/n) but I promise it wouldn't be so bad. Finish packing and when your done just leave your bags in the hallway, I'll take them downstairs later for you"

Sakazuki was about to leave the room when his daughter spoke again. "What do I even pack?" He shook his head but quickly responded to the girls' question. "Pack some t-shirts and shorts but also some warmer options encase you get too cold. It's usually warm but you shouldn't chance anything (Y/n)"

"Okay, thanks Dad. When should the take-out be here?" After Sakazuki told her it shouldn't be much longer he left her to pack suitcase while he went to check on the others in the house. (Y/n) took a couple items out of her drawers as she started to place them into the empty suitcase, it didn't take long before the girl started to zip up the case and wheel it into the hallway next to her carry-on bag.

"I'm done packing!" When (Y/n) walked into the hallway she seen her uncle Borsalino walking past her along with her Father. "Good work (Y/n) I wish your Brother's could pack as quickly as you. Here I'll carry your bags" (Y/n) let her Father carry her suitcase as well as her carry-on bag downstairs while she followed closely behind.

'Ding Dong'

"That should be the take-out" Sakazuki quickly set (Y/n)'s bags down as he opened the door, he was correct it was the take-out they had ordered. He paid the delivery driver before he begins handing half of the food to Borsalino as they headed for the kitchen, when they arrived (Y/n) was waiting at the table for her share of dinner.

"Here you go (Y/n) ... Brats come and eat!" Soon enough the girl's brothers and other family members came downstairs to eat but it wasn't without a complaint from Seth. "We're not brats Dad, how come you never call (Y/n) that?"

"My little angel is not a brat like the two of you, now sit down and eat. We'll be leaving the house at 8, make sure your alarm clock is working I don't want a repeat of last year" (Y/n) was too busy eating that she didn't hear her Fathers comment but that was for the best.

"Did you order my sweet and sour chicken?" Once Seth had his food the man took a sit next to his little sister before he started eating. He occasionally added to the conversation the rest of family was having but it wasn't long before everyone had finished their meals.

"Fortune cookie time!" Opening her fortune cookie was (Y/n)'s favorite part about getting Chinese take-out, not only did the cookie taste good but the fortunes were always so interesting. "You want first pick (Y/n)?"

"Yes! ... I want this one!" Taking her cookie back to her seat (Y/n) quickly popped it out of its packaging before she broken it in half, since the girl liked eating the cookie first, she left the piece of paper alone. "What does your fortune say (Y/n)?"

"I'm still eating my cookie, one second" Shoving the last bit of cookie into her mouth (Y/n) picked up the small piece of paper from the table before she read it in her head. 'You'll soon cross paths with someone from your past. Lucky numbers 7, 13, and 41' (Y/n) didn't know what that meant but she didn't think must about it as she handed to her brother to read. "Weird fortune (Y/n) what do you think it means?"

"I don't know... maybe an old friend will visit soon? I'd like to see Sara again, it's been boring without her around" Now (Y/n) was a smart girl so when Sara moved away a few weeks after Bellamy left it made the gears turn in her head, though she didn't have any proof the two had actually got together. "I don't miss that psychopath at all"

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