Ch 8

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Next Morning...

Smoker had the day off so he was at home watching (Y/n), she however was still asleep so he busied himself by doing some of his overdue paper work in the living room. He had been doing it last night but after the incident at (Y/n)'s house, the girl took his main focus so it was left unfinished. Ace had the day off as well but the man had left a while ago and told Smoker he'd be back soon. Since (Y/n) was in the guest bedroom he got up to check on her every hour or so just to make sure she was still there.

Doflamingo seemed to be handling his legal affairs or something else since he didn't make an appearance last night. Due to that reason Smoker sent the officers patrolling the house back to the station. There was no need to waste police resources plus with him there (Y/n) would be perfectly safe. Tomorrow afternoon her Father would return along with her brothers and with them around no one would be harming the girl.


Due to the long night before (Y/n) slept until late into the afternoon and when she did open her eyes, they held slight panic and fear as they scanned the room. "Oh, it's just Smokey's house" She slowly calmed down before getting out of bed to stretch, she had a slight pain in her head but remembered it was because of what that man did to her. Taking another breath, she opened the door and started making her way to the living room. "Smokey? Ace?"

Coming around the corner she sees Smoker going through some paper work while he sits on the sofa. "Good morning (Y/n). Did you sleep well?" (Y/n) slept surprising for what had just happened to her the night before, she didn't even wake up once during the night. "Yeah I slept perfect!" Just then (Y/n)'s stomach started to growl as she looked away embarrassed. "I'll make you something to eat, why don't you take a sit and watch some cartoons?"

She took a sit in the comfy chair Smoker had before going through the tv guide before finding one of her favorites that was on 'The Smurfs'. "Hey Smokey! Where's Ace?" The man came out of the kitchen in an apron while still mixing the pancake batter. "He said he had a doctor's appointment" That made (Y/n) giggle since Ace was almost never sick but she took a guess as to where the man was. "Oh, would this 'doctor's appointment' be at Dr. Trafalgar's house?"

"It's a strong possibility (Y/n), hopefully I won't hear about Ace being arrested today" He left to go make (Y/n) her pancakes but quickly came back once they were done. "Here you are (Y/n)" Smokey knew his way around a kitchen and always made the best dishes but (Y/n) loved his pancakes the most. "Thank you" Starting to eat her food one man was still on her mind, she wondered if they would be transferring him to another jail as their small town wasn't equipped to hold people long-term.

"Smoker?" While waiting for the man to respond she took enough bite of pancake. "Yes?" She didn't know the man's name but Smoker would know who she was talking about. "Are they going to be transferring that man to another jail until he can stand trial?" Smoker wasn't sure if he should tell the girl about what happened last night or not but he guessed she would hear it eventually and he didn't want to lie to her even though it would for the best if she didn't know.

"He was released last night" Fear was clearly on her face as she forgot there was piece of pancake in her mouth as she started to choke on it. "(Y/N)!" Getting up he helped the girl get the pancake out of her throat before he went to get her some water. "Drink this (Y/n)" Taking the glass from Smoker she started to take a few sips before handing it back to Smoker along with her plate, she wasn't hungry anymore.

"(Y/n) you okay?" Smoker could see the girl wasn't looking good, she looked terrified and her breathing got quicker. "He's going to kill me!" Trying to calm the girl down wasn't working and she had started hyperventilating at this point. "(Y/n) it's okay, he won't tou-" Too late the girl passed out.


Doflamingo had a rough last night, he was having nightmares about (Y/n). Well more so they involved him almost killing her and not being able to stop even though he didn't want to kill her. "What's wrong with me?" Deciding that he needed to stop thinking about her Doflamingo got dressed to go for an early morning run before he had to meet with his legal team.

Everyone in the house was still asleep so he was able to sneak out without anyone else knowing he had left. Having a large property, the man just ran around within it for about an hour but he couldn't shake the feel he got when thinking about the dream he had about (Y/n), one thing became clear to him though and that was he wouldn't be killing her anytime soon. Not with this feeling he had whenever he thought about it, but he was going to find out anything he could about her in the meantime.

On the way back inside, he grabbed a water and muffin from the kitchen before going back into his bedroom. Pulling out this phone he called Vergo's number while taking a bite from his muffin. "Hello" Vergo answered the call quickly and Doffy knew he could get what he needed no problem. "Vergo, I need you to find out anything you can about little (Y/n)"

"Why do you need to know details about her? Aren't you going to kill her Doffy?" Just hearing the words 'killing' and '(Y/n)' in the same sentence made the man sick to his stomach, he didn't even want to eat his muffin anymore so placed it back on the plate before setting it on his nightstand. "No, I will not be doing such a thing and no one else is allowed to lay a hand on her either"

"Understood Doffy I'll find out what I can" He hung up the call after that and waited for his legal team to get here. They should be here anytime now; they did say the meeting would be early. 'Knock' 'Knock' "Doffy? Your legal team is here" Perfect timing. "Coming"


"Doflamingo, this is a serious matter please stay focused"

"Right, my bad" Doflamingo was thinking about (Y/n) instead of paying attention to what his legal team were saying but he couldn't help it. "We can most likely pay off the courts to give you a plea bargain, your looking at a few months minimum but we'll look into getting you house arrest"

"When can this all be taken care of?" As much as being stuck at home would pain the man, it was better than being in prison. He was confident they could make the house arrest arrangements happen though.

"Within the next few days, it is the holidays but we'll push it through and have sometime arranged as soon as possible"

"Is that all? I have more pressing matters that require my full attention" The meeting was already taken up an hour of his time and he was sure Vergo would have put something together from him about (Y/n) by now.

"Yes" Not caring to show them out Doflamingo went to his office and sure enough there were a few faxes from Vergo. Taking them to his desk he propped his feet up before reading what had been sent to him. It wasn't a lot but it had the basics of who was apart of her family, some personal info but the last fax he got was the best of them all, it was a picture of the girl. "What a cute little Birdie"


End Chapter 8

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