Ch 24

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Two Weeks Later...

"(Y/n) I'm leaving for my meeting. I shouldn't be gone for too long, try to behave yourself in the meantime" Doflamingo was leaving for his work meeting and (Y/n) was currently sitting on the couch eating her breakfast. "Bye Doffy" She offered him a quick goodbye before her focus returned to her breakfast.

"When I get back, we'll leave for the airport" (Y/n) only nodded her head as Doflamingo kissed her cheek before he left the room. She knew that they would be leaving today but Doflamingo seemed rather excited about it like he had some big secret that he didn't want to tell her about.

"Great~ He's gone~" With the man finally gone (Y/n) continued eating her food as she thought about what she wanted to do before Doflamingo would return. He never did leave the girl alone for long, he was rather clingy but (Y/n) didn't mind it much. "What shall I do before the dragon returns to his castle to guard the princess?"

Her mind wandered for a bit but once (Y/n) finished her breakfast she placed her plate on the table before she grabbed the tv remote. Since there wasn't anything nothing better to do, she might as well watch some tv to pass the time. Turning on the tv (Y/n) noticed it was set to the news channel and was about to change it when something caught her eye.

"That's a picture of me, why am I on the news?" As (Y/n) listened to the news reporter she quickly started to panic, they had named her as a missing person but that didn't make sense how could she be missing when she was here on vacation? Though it didn't take long before she realized what this had meant. "He lied to me. I need to leave"

"Sorry (Y/n)-chan but the Young Master hasn't permitted you to leave the penthouse. He's going to be rather disappointed with us that you discovered the truth" Hearing Monet's voice (Y/n)'s eyes started to widen as she moved away from the couch. "S-So, h-he kidnapped me?"

"Since the Young Master won't be back for a few more hours (Y/n) we'll have to deal with you on our own" Monet tried to grab for (Y/n)'s arm but the girl moved further away before Monet could she reach her. Thinking fast (Y/n) ran out of the living room screaming as she did, she was trying to find an escape route. "I knew there was something I didn't like about you!"

"Leave her be Monet, we'll just block off the exits. (Y/n) can scream as loud as she wants but no one will be able to hear her"

"You're right Caesar, you heard him men! Block off the exits so the Young Master's pet cannot escape!" (Y/n) was long gone so she didn't hear what Monet had said but she didn't care, all she wanted do to was leave this place. As she made her way to the front doors her hope was soon shattered as two men stepped in front of her exit. "Sorry Miss but you must remain in the penthouse"

Hearing footsteps behind her (Y/n) started running again, she knew that the only exit was through the main doors and if those men continued blocking it then escaping this place would be impossible. "(Y/n)-chan make things easier for us and just go to your room~"

She didn't have any time to respond before two men grabbed her arms and started carrying her down the hallway. "Stay in here until the Young Master returns (Y/n)-chan~" As soon as she was placed down on the floor (Y/n) flee underneath the bed in hopes no one would hurt her. "Come along boys we must inform the Young Master on this little set back~"


A Few Hours Later...

"Where is she!?" Doflamingo had returned home from his business meeting but he was not in a pleasant mood. "She's hiding under your bed Young Master" As the man marched into his bedroom, he could hear the sound of crying. "Oh, no don't cry (Y/n). It'll be okay, come on out"

"No! You're a liar and a kidnapper!" (Y/n) turned her head to stare at Doflamingo's feet as he got closer to her hiding place and tried moved away from him so he couldn't grab her. "We are leaving today (Y/n) whether you like it or not! If you don't come out willingly, I'm going to have to drag you out here myself!"

"Don't you dare touch me! I'll not going anywhere with you!" Doflamingo bent down as he grabbed (Y/n)'s ankle and started pulling her out from underneath the bed. "Enough!" (Y/n) froze at his tone of voice he used and she let him pull her into his lap but the tears didn't stop. "I'm sorry (Y/n) I didn't mean to yell at you. We need to go... here don't forget your teddy bear"

After (Y/n)'s teddy bear was placed into her arms Doflamingo stood as he began walking to the door. "W-Where a-are we going?" Doflamingo had exited their bedroom but he stopped in the middle of the hallway before he replied to the girl in his arms. "It's a surprise~ Monet give her the shot"

(Y/n) felt a sharp pain in her neck as she watched Monet walk away with an empty needle in her hands. "What the hell was that!? Your drugging me!?" Doflamingo was holding (Y/n) close as he rubbed her back gently, he knew the drugs wouldn't take long but he wanted to comfort her. "Yes, but it was necessary, I can't have you screaming it public. Someone would try and take you away from me"

"You're a really s-sick-" (Y/n) head dropped onto Doflamingo's shoulder before she could finish her sentence, she was out cold. "Is my car ready? I need to get going, it's going to be a long drive" The original plan was that the pair was going to take his private jet to their destination but since (Y/n) had discovered the trust he decided it would be better if he drove them there instead.

"It's waiting in the underground garage Young Master. Everything that you requested has been packed in the backseat... is there a reason that you didn't want your luggage in the trunk Young Master?"

"Hm? Oh, that's where I'm going to put my Little Birdie so she can't fight me if she wakes up during the trip" Doflamingo didn't wait for a response from the others as he left the penthouse and headed for his car.


"That should keep you safe during the drive, I'll try to avoid the potholes" With (Y/n) sleeping comfortably in the trunk of his car Doflamingo slid into the driver seat before he pulled out of the parking space. It was going to take at least eight hours for him to reach his destination but since it was only 1:30 he'd still be able to get some sleep once he arrived.

"Your trouble (Y/n) but I still love you anyways. I'm sure you'll love the little spot I picked out for us. Fufufufufufu"


End Chapter 24

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