Ch 27 (Ending 1)

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(F/n) – Full Name


"Be careful Doffy" (Y/n) was looking for some clothing as she stared at Doflamingo who was visibly tense but when he smiled at her she relaxed slightly. "It'll be okay my Love" He placed a kiss on her lips before he exited the room and made his way to the front door.

"Who the hell is interrupting my fun?" Doflamingo walked towards the door as the knocking continued but before he could reach it someone had kicked it in. "Drop the gun! Where is the girl!?" The man knew he only had so many bullets and there was no way that he could get all of them before they would return fire.


Doflamingo threw his gun to the ground before he watched as an officer retrieved it and placed it in an evidence bag. "This is private property, your trespassing! I hope you have a warrant!" Their guns were still pointed at him when someone handed a piece of paper to him. "We have reason to believe that (F/n) is being held here. You're a real sick son of a bitch if that is the case and I can't wait to see you rot in prison... Now get on your knees and put your hands behind your back"

As (Y/n) watched Doflamingo being placed in cuffs she seen one of the officers slap him across the face and claimed he was resisting arrest. She couldn't let them continue to abuse her lover so ran out of the room in order to protect him. "Don't hurt him!"

She wrapped her hands around Doflamingo's neck as a few of the officers tried to separate her from him. "Miss, please let go! This man is pure evil and has clearly brainwashed you into thinking this is okay!" (Y/n)'s grip only tightened as the tears started to fall from her eyes, they were going to take Doflamingo away and she wasn't going to let that happen. "T-That's not true, I love Doffy and he loves me!"

"(Y/n)... let go... things will work out I promise" Doflamingo gave (Y/n) one last kiss as the officers finally managed to separate her from his neck. "No! Let me go, you can't do this! We're happy together and you're ruining it!" Her hands were reaching out towards Doflamingo as she started to hyperventilate before she ended up blacking out.

"What did you do to that poor girl? Get up we're bringing you to the station, I hope you have a good lawyer"


'Beep' ... 'Beep' ... 'Beep'

"From what the officer said (Y/n) didn't want to leave Doflamingo's side... she most likely developed Stockholm Syndrome from her time around him... it will be hard for her to be separated from him but it's for the best"

"How can we help her Law?" As the doctor tapped his pen against his clipboard he looked away from (Y/n)'s sleeping form before he looked at the girl's Father. "There's no real treatment for it but therapy will help, also... there's a strong possibility that (Y/n) wouldn't testify against him. You need to prepare from that man to serve very little time in jail for his crimes"

"Hm... Doffy..." As (Y/n) muttered out Doflamingo's nickname name in her sleep the men in the room looked over at her as worry filled their eyes. "Law... are you able to help with (Y/n)'s therapy? She knows you and I'd feel it'd be better for her to talk with someone she knows then a complete stranger"

"Of course, Sakazuki. Once the doctor's clears her you can arrange to take her home... You can call me if you need anything else but there's something I need to do while in town" Sakazuki sent a quick thank you towards Law before the doctor completely exited the hospital room.


As Law walked farther down the hallway he stopped in front of the person, he brought with him on the trip. "Is (Y/n) going to be okay Law?"

Doflamingo x Reader {Home Alone}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz