Ch 14

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Doflamingo found himself at a park close to his house, there wasn't many people there so it was quiet for the most part. "Sir, why did you want to come to this park?" His driver who was with him spoke up as he looked around watching for any signs of danger.

"I set up a meeting, my associates should be arriving soon" He was waiting in a secluded area of the park so no one could see or hear them. After careful consideration he decided it was best to place Baby 5 and Gladius in the house next to (Y/n)'s.

Baby 5 could use a fake name and alter her appearance slightly so she wouldn't be recognized. Since no one has seen Gladius's face he only had to take off his mask and use a fake name. "Young Master!" They were right on time as Doflamingo looked up to see his two associates walking closer to him, this meeting could have taken place at their home but he didn't want to risk anyone seeing them leave. Doflamingo had made arrangements for them to move into the house that week once the paperwork had been settled.

"Baby 5! Gladius!" He greeted them before he started discussing what they would be doing once they moved in. "You are to watch (Y/n) carefully, she is not to be harmed in anyway" The two nodded as Doflamingo continued.

"Also, her Father is looking for a bodyguard, I told Vergo to suggest Bell-boy. If Sakazuki agrees then that will another way I can keep an eye on her"

"Why is this girl so important?" Doflamingo was going to say he wasn't sure but Baby 5 cut him off with her own response. "Don't you see Gladius he's in love!" That caused Doflamingo to just stare at Baby 5 with his mouth slightly opened. "Isn't that right Young Master?" He wasn't sure how to respond to Baby 5, since that thought never crossed his mind.

"Hm? What makes you say that Baby 5?"

"If you didn't love her then you wouldn't be going through all this trouble for her" Doflamingo needed to take a minute to think this through in his head, sure he was doing a lot for the girl but that didn't mean he loved her. "She has my attention at the moment but I doubt that I her love Baby 5"

"Then why did Trebol tell everyone you stare at her pictures for hours in your office?"

"You'll move into the house in a couple of days, until then go back to your hotel" Doflamingo didn't want to answer Baby 5's question so he quick said goodbye and started walking back to his car leaving the two confused people behind. "Understood Young Master!"

Stepping back into the car Doflamingo had two more stops to make before going home but both wouldn't take him long. "Where to Young Master?"

"We're going to stop by Bell-boy's house"


had been on the phone for the last few couple hours, after Officer Vergo gave him the name of a bodyguard he called as soon as he got home. The man was very experienced in the field and had provided him with a list of references.

Once he ended the first call with the man, he called each person on the reference list and Sakazuki was quite impressed with them, he wouldn't find a more experienced guard. His price range was fair as well but (Y/n)'s safety was worth every penny. He wanted the best for his daughter so he decided to invite the man to dinner to see if (Y/n) would get along with him.

(Y/n) had been in the other room reading a book while Sakazuki was on the phone but now that he was done, he needed to start on dinner. He started to take out ingredients as he thought (Y/n) might like to help him. "(Y/n)! Do you want to help peel the vegetables?"

"Sure!" (Y/n) ran in from the living room and found the vegetable peeler before she sat down to start on the pile of vegetables. "So, this bodyguard will be joining us for dinner?" It worried (Y/n) that her Father thought a bodyguard would be necessary but if it kept her alive than she didn't care.

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