Ch 19

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"(Y/n) the pizza's here!" The girl's looked over to see Bellamy was holding a stack of 5 pizza boxes in his arms and stood up to take them from him. They had ordered a lot but that was because there were ten girls at the sleepover and all of them all could eat a least 4 slices each. "Pizza! Thanks Bellamy!"

"I'll be upstairs, just scream if you need anything" With that said Bellamy left the girl's in the living room and went back to his room. Though after he left (Y/n) decided they should play a game now that they were alone. "Let's play truth or dare!"

"Good idea (Y/n)!" When all the girl's agreed to play they all sat in a circle before Sara started to game off. "(Y/n), truth or dare?" Since (Y/n) didn't trust Sara she decided to play it safe and chose truth. "Your no fun (Y/n)! But fine, what do you think of Bellamy?"

"He's a nice guy" (Y/n) gave her answer but Sara sent a disapproving look at her before she quickly shook her head and spoke. "No, like do you find him hot? Would you date him?" Of course, Sara would ask that, she wanted to know if anyone else was interested in 'her' man. "No, Sara we've been over this before. I think of Bellamy like he's my older Brother, don't worry he's all yours"

"Good and it better stay that way" (Y/n) brushed off Sara's comment as she thought about how to get her revenge on the girl, than the perfect plan came into her mind. "Sara, truth or dare?" She knew Sara would chose dare; she liked the thrill of it but maybe this one time she should have picked truth. "Dare, give me a good one too!"

"I dare you to, go upstairs and give Bellamy a kiss on the lips~"

"Wha- Wha- Are you crazy (Y/n)!? That would cross so many lines!" The girl took a bite out of her pizza before she responded to Sara. "You don't have to do it but are you prepared from the punishment of refusing the dare. What is it again Claire? Oh, right drinking a bottle of hot sauce"

"You are evil (Y/n)! Someone call me a cab this is not going to end well" (Y/n) eyes widened slightly as she watched as her friend left the living room and headed for the stairs. "Is she really going to do it!?" Some of the girl's got up to peek out of the room to see Sara slowly making her way up the stairs.


Sara's heartbeat was pounding as she slowly headed upstairs, (Y/n) had told her Bellamy slept in their guest room so she headed there. Though as she stood outside of his room, she was starting to have second thoughts, maybe drinking the hot sauce wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, the girl was stubborn so before she could back out, she knocked on the door.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

At first Sara only heard some rustling in the room but soon enough the door was opened by the blonde she was looking for. Bellamy was confused as to why Sara had come upstairs but quickly tried to see what she wanted. "Oh, Sara it's you do you need something?" She opened her mouth though no words came out and now that Bellamy got a better look at her Sara was acting quite nervous.

"What's wrong cat got your tongue Sara?" Bellamy continued to stare at the girl but after a few minutes she looked up before her hands took a hold of his shirt and he was pulled down towards her. Her lips met his but just as quickly as they had touched, she pulled away and tried to ran away. "Nope not so fast Sara. What was that all about?"

"It was for a dare! I'm sorry you probably hate me now!" Bellamy held onto the girl as she tried to wiggle herself free, it wasn't working very well as Bellamy would just readjust his hand so she couldn't escape. "Why would they dare you to do something like that?"

"I don't know..." As Bellamy looked at the girl he started laughing. "Hahahh-haha. You're a terrible lair Sara. Want to give it another try?" Sara's mouth opened but she knew that coming up with another lie would be pointless. "I have a ..."

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