Forbidden Lovers (🎭 PART 4)

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May 13, 1957, London England.

It had been nine years since you'd last seen P.L. your parents sent you away to boarding school after they found out about your secret meetings with the man.

You were now married to some dead beat who you loved... but some people were just incapable of passion. You were packing your bag, getting ready to go back home to visit your family.

Richard walked up behind you and smiled, putting his hands on your hips. "Where are you going off to?"

You sighed softly and closed your bag and turned to face him, "I'm going to Liverpool to visit my mum, she says my father has fallen ill..." you rubbed Richard's sides softly.

"Mm... for how long will you be gone?" Richard started to slowly kiss at your jaw and cheek. You groaned softly and tried to push him away. Richard bit your jaw and you cringed. "Probably a month or so." You said, trying to get away.

"You know what that means kitten."

"My plane is about to leave Rich... please you can come visit me in a week or so..." you begged, putting your hands on his waist, trying to push him away. Richard sighed and pulled away from your jaw. "Fine. Go get your plane." He pecked your lips and stormed off.

You sighed softly and sat on the bed, you were so glad to get out of London for once. Get some air and time away from your overbearing husband.

You grabbed your bag and fixed your dress. You shook your head and had your driver take you to the airport.

Liverpool, England.

You got off your plane and took a breath. You were now so far from Richard, finally able to breathe. Right as you stepped off the plane it all came back. "P.L." You whispered, your eyes closed seeing all of those memories. You shook away your memories, that part of your life was over, you were married for gods sake.

You got in your car and went to your house. Your mother stood outside and ran to you as you stepped from the car. Your dad was smiling, standing at the door. You hugged your mother tightly and closed your eyes, you missed everything about her, her perfume, her presence, her motherly embrace.

"My baby girl... it's so good to have you home once more." She said, smiling.

You smiled and nodded, you pulled away from the hug and nodded at your father.

"Richard couldn't make it?" Was the first thing he said to you after not seeing you since Christmas.

You shook your head, "Work... he got really busy, but he wants to come in a week or so."

"Well as busy of a man as he is I'm sure he does have a lot to do." Your father patted your shoulder and lead you into the sitting room. You sat down, letting out a breath. "You know that the theater company you used to be apart of is doing Beauty and The Beast? I know they're looking for a Belle."

You raised your brows. P.L. your brain chanted. "Really...? I should stop by tomorrow and see if Geoffrey is still there, see all that's going on." Your father nodded and the room was silent. You smiled at both of your parents and sat in the awkward silence.

You all avoided the elephant in the room, you wanted to ask if they sent P.L. off to jail for "taking advantage" of you at such a young age. You stood and grabbed your bag, "Excuse me..." you walked up the stairs and settled into your room. You went through your drawers and found it, P.L's head shot.

You smiled softly at the picture, god, was he still stunning. All you could think of is how not one man that you'd been with had never touched you like P.L. did. No other man had brought you the pleasure that he did. The only reason you and Richard had sex was to hopefully produce a child, but it had been six months since he'd last touched you.

You started to think you were infertile with all the times you tried and failed. Richard loved to bring that up, loved to torture you with the fact that you were probably never going to be a mother. No wonder he brought you no pleasure.

You sighed and placed the picture down, you hoped that P.L. was ok, no matter where he was. You hoped that he'd found happiness, even if that meant it wasn't with you.

You changed into some more comforting clothing and stared at the picture, praying that somehow it would come to life and just hug you. Your mother knocked on your door and came in. She looked at the picture on your desk and you covered it with your hand. She sighed and walked over to you, hugging you.

"Talk to me honey..." she whispers into your ear. You look down and step back, sitting on your bed. "He wants a child mum... I- I don't think I can give him that. We've tried so many times... I'm starting to grow tired..."

Your mother nods and grabs your hand, kissing it softly as she always did when you were a child. "I think you should go visit the theater tomorrow morning. Get free from some of that unwanted stress." She stands and kisses your head, she turns your light out and you stand, you wanted to change into your nightly clothes but you were so exhausted.

You laid back down, facing the wall, you felt your heavy eye lids slowly close until it was all black.

You didn't dream that night, you never did anymore, not for the longest time. You remember when you were a kid and used to have the most vivid dreams, most of them about Mr. O'Hara.


Once you got dressed you went downstairs for the breakfast that traveled up the stairs and met your nose.

Your father wore his suit and tie, clutching his briefcase in his hand, ready to rush off to work. Once he looked at you he got up, kissed your mother on the cheek and dashed out the door. You furrowed your brows as you watched and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. "Did I do something to wrong him?"

Your mother looks at the door and sighs, "He just can't wait to see Richard darling... talk work and business. You know how men are."

You roll your eyes, "Some men." You mumble. Your mother looks at you and sets down her fork. "If you're talking about that pedophile then you best be quiet. A freelancing man like that cannot provide for you or your family."

"Whatever mother." You stood and grabbed your sweater and headed out the door. Your driver waited outside and opened the door for you, you waved him away and continued to walk. Your heels clicked on the pavement in a perfect pattern. You closed your eyes, remembering by heart which turns and steps to take to get to the theater. You counted them all when you were young.

Once you arrived at the theater you looked at it and sighed softly, it looked exactly the same. A young man opened the door and looked at you, his eyes were wide and he hugged you tightly, "(Y/N)!" He squeezed you and picked you up. You knew that cologne, it used to be Meredith's fragrance. "Geoffrey!" You giggled and held him tightly.

"Are you here for the part of Belle?" He asked, his voice excited, "If you'll have me." You said, trying to sound humble.

Geoffrey nodded frantically, "You've got the part! Effective immediately!"

You laughed with joy, "That's not your call... is it?"

Geoffrey looked down and smiled, "I'm the director..." he whispered, your eyes went wide, "GEOFFREY!" You hugged him once more and you both shared laughter.

Geoffrey smiled and lead you into the theater. "Alright everyone! We've found our Belle! She's a returning vet of this exact theater. Everyone... welcome back... (Y/F/N)!" People clapped and you looked around, your eyes stopping on a man, he was frozen in time. He looked the same, not one year of aging licked his face.

"Mr. O'Hara..."

A/N: This is part four! Please proceed to part five if you wish to continue to read where you finally see how much you miss P.L.

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