The Christmas You'll Never Forget (🔫)

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You were getting ready for the Christmas party at Nakatomi Plaza, your work place. You wore a slick black dress that fit perfectly. Your hair was pulled up in a bun and you looked at yourself in the mirror. You smiled softly and smoothed out your dress.

You looked at the clock and sighed, confused why your date wasn't here yet. You were already late enough. You'd planned to leave early because you hated big crowds and people. You sighed and walked to your door, "If he isn't going to be here. Fine." You opened the front door and got in your car, driving to Nakatomi Plaza.

You saw the tall building in front of you, thankfully you didn't live far. You had a bad feeling in your stomach about tonight but you always felt that way going to these parties. You pulled into the parking garage and laid your head on the steering wheel.

"Why didn't he come..." you groaned, you hated being alone you were already stressed enough! You went to the front desk and smiled at the security guard. "I'm here for the party... I uh... work for Mr. Takagi..." the guard nodded, "Then you know your way up." He spoke harshly.

You blushed slightly from embarrassment. "Oh um... right..." you pushed your hair behind your ear and quickly walked to the elevators. The only noise in the hall was your heels clicking on the granite floor. You cleared your throat and waited on the elevator to come down. To your right there was another security guard.

He was staring you down, it's like you could read his mind, some men were such pigs. You scoffed and stepped into the elevator, rolling your eyes. You laid your head on the cold metal, trying to find some relief in the headache that had started to grow from your stress. The elevator dinged and it rang in your ears, echoing through the small metal box. You looked out at the big party and gulped, taking in a sharp breath.

You hesitantly stepped off the elevator and a man came around with a tray. You snatched some champagne and closed your eyes as you drank it. You weren't the biggest drinker, but hey, it was Christmas after all.

As you circled the room you looked around, people watching. It was then that your date rammed right into you. "Gillies!" You said in surprise, looking at the man. He looked jacked up, it was your work friend Holly who made you ask Gillies to go with you. You knew she only did it to get him off her back but you didn't mind, it was the least you could do.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled unintentionally being very loud, drawing eyes to you. You looked down, not wanting attention. "You didn't pick me up like we discussed..." you whispered. Gillies chuckled and shook his head, there was a white substance that stood under his nose. "I forgot." He announced, his arms going out by his side.

You nodded softly, "Oh... ok..." you turned around and started to walk away when Gillies grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. "I wish I hadn't. You look really..." he leaned close to your ear like he had a secret, "Sexyyyy..." he dragged out. You shivered and he smirked, "Trembling already?" You scoffed, "Oh for all the wrong reasons." You barked.

When you tried to rip your arm away gun shots rung out. Gillies pulled you close to his body and got down, using you as a shield. Screams and cries echoed through the room and your heart beat raced as you tried to look around. Men with machine guns were ushering people into one big group. Gillies pulled you with him and placed you in front of him, holding your arms tightly.

A man stepped in front of all the others, not holding a weapon. He held what seemed to be a journal. Your heartbeat was in your ears, I'm going to die... we're all going to die. Is all you could think. Your thoughts were so loud you couldn't hear what the man was saying as he walked around the room. He stood in front of you, his russet eyes bore into yours and you gulped softly.

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