From Down Under (😇 NSFW)

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Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in this story that is Biblical isn't to offend or persuade. It is solely for the entertainment of my readers! Thank you -L.

You laid in your bed, bored as always, not motivated to do a single thing. Just as you were about to close your eyes your door swung open, "What is it Salazar?" You sat up and looked at your brother.

He smiled evilly, "Father requests you in the throne room. Says he has a visitor."

You sighed and snapped your fingers, changing your clothes into the royal uniform. You marched to the throne room, thinking about why your father requested you. It had been a while since you had to fit into your tight leather outfit. There were extra straps that were decoration of course, because what was leather without straps.

You opened the door to the throne room and you stared at the bright white Angel wings in front of you. You froze and your father smiled, standing,
"(Y/N)!" His British accent rung out.

The Angel turned and faced you, you felt your legs clinch as you stared into his eyes. Your father walked to you and guided you to the side of his chair. "This is Metatron. The voice of the big man."

You nodded softly and bowed your head. Your father smacked you and you stepped away sheepishly. Metatron rolled his eyes, "I don't see the need for a middleman Lucifer. You're mocking me."

Your father laughed and sat on his throne, "I know Brother! That's the best part!"

Metatron sneered, "I am not your brother. God made me into an Angel. He created you. Just as you've created..." Metatron looked to you, "That."

You scoffed, you'd only heard of the Angels, never seen one. "I didn't know an Angel could be so rude. Love thy neighbor and all." You snapped back.

Your father laughed and patted your shoulder, "What is it you want Metatron?"

Metatron's jaw clenched, "God wants the children in Heaven. He wants them to find their way and try their hand with the Angels."

You furrowed your brows and said the first thing that came to your mind, "I'd like to keep my genitals please. Especially because of my job?" You were one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust to be exact. You loved your job, it was eventful and beautiful.

Your father almost fell over laughing, "Meta you don't have the balls to take my kids to Heaven- OH WAIT! YOU ACTUALLY DON'T!" He cackled.

You shook your head, the only reason your father was making fun of him was because he was a fallen Angel he got everything back that God had stripped him of. Including his genitalia.

Meta rolled his eyes, "You have to obey the father Lucifer. You know that."

Your father looked up at Metatron and sighed, "When are you taking them?"

"Father!" You yelled in surprise.

"Now." Metatron looked at you and you backed up from the Angel. "I don't wa-"

The giant bird man snapped his fingers and you were suddenly in a hallway, the walls were a dark red, the carpet a white granite with flakes of gold. You and Metatron where the only ones in the room.

"Where is my brother?" You asked him, walking over to him, getting ready to tear his wings off, you didn't want to be in Heaven. It was literally your hell hole!

Metatron shrugged, "God only asked for the girl. No boy. Must be too far gone." He pointed to a door, "Your room." He pointed across the hall, "My room. If you need anything... just tell me."

You didn't have anything, not a single second to pack. You closed your eyes and walked into the room. You were almost afraid to look. You opened your eyes, it looked exactly like your room in hell, even the racy color-scheme.

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