The Christmas You'll Never Forget (🔫 PART 3)

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John raised his brow and nodded, "I see." He took his hand off his gun and then stared at you. You didn't remove your hand from the trigger. Hans furrowed his brows and looked at you, "You want to do it. Don't you Poppet." He whispers into your ear. "He's causing so much trouble..." you whispered.

Hans smirked, "He is..." Hans stands behind you and smiles evilly. "Please (Y/N)... I don't even know if that's your name... but please... I have kids... just like you're about to!" You shook your head and look at Hans he was the devil on your shoulder. "Go on. Get your fill of the kill and then I'll fill you." He pokes you in the back with his hard on.

You gulp softly and look at John. "I'm sorry..." you whisper. You shot him once in the shoulder and then again in each leg. Hans' grip tightens on your shoulder and you push him off, walking over to John. "You're married." You said looking at his finger.

John looks to his finger and tucks his hand behind him, it was evident that he was in horrible pain. "My father always used to tell me the best you could do for an injured animal when they're wounded is to put it out of its misery." John looked up at you, "Please..." he whispered. You shot him in the head and dropped the gun.

You were shaking and you fell to your knees. Hans spoke in German into his walkie and jogs over to you, he scoops you up in his arms and the elevator dings. "Bring him to the thirtieth and check the explosives." He picks up his gun and puts it back into his waist band. The goons nod and follow his instruction.

You wrap your arms around Hans' neck and he holds you bridal style, "It's going to be alright (Y/N). I'm so proud of you Poppet." Karl drags John to the elevator with you and Hans. You look down at his lifeless eyes and Hans forces your face into his chest.

You get off on the Thirtieth floor and Holly looks at you in Hans' arms her eyes then wander down to Karl and John. She gasps and covers her mouth. People gasp and scream. "John..." Holly runs over to him and Hans looks to her. "Miss. Gennero." He utters. Holly looks up at him and quickly scoots away, "You killed him!"

You squeezed Hans' jacket and he looked down at you, you looked pale and sick, blood spatter on your face. "He was causing problems." He storms into his office and takes a stapler and pen. He staples a note into John's body. "Throw him out the window. We need to get out of here."

Karl nods and leaves the office. Hans sets you down and takes his handkerchief from his pocket, wiping your face off. "You have a choice here Poppet." He sets you on the office couch and studies your face. "You can go with me. Or you can stay here and live a normal life."

"Where are you going...?" You whispered, Hans shook his head, "I cannot tell you." He lifts your chin, "Miss. Gennero is your friend. Is she not?" You nodded softly, "I guess..." he hums and walks behind the desk, showing you the family photo. Your eyes go wide and you cover your mouth. "Stay here with the widow... or come with me and have the best time of your life."

"Ok..." you say softly. Hans smiles a bit and grabs your arm. Softly this time and leads you to the elevator. You go back to the safe room and the elevator was once again silent. Hans gets off the elevator and smiles at the dorky black man, "It's open." He walks to the vault.

"You're still with that woman." Theo smiled,

"Shes my hero now." Hans smirks softly and starts stuffing duffle bags of the paper in the vault. "How are you going to transport her?" Theo asked.

Hans looked at you and sighed softly. "I'm not." He grabs your throat and puts his thumb over your windpipe. You gasp for air and hold his wrist tightly Theo watches Hans carefully. "I'll see you in a bit my Liebling." It was then that everything went black. Were you dead? Did he choke you out? It was like in seconds you were awake. You groaned softly, your throat and knees were sore and you had the worst headache.

"Hans...?" You whispered softly, trying to regain yourself. "Good morning..." his husky voice rang out. You looked to where his voice came from. He was driving a car, a nice one at that. "Where are we...?" You asked softly. "Mm... Oregon."

You sat up and was immediately fully awake, "I was out for thirteen hours?!" Hans chuckled, "You were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you. I was sure you had a long night..." you nodded softly, "Thank you..." he hummed and took a sip of his coffee. "We're going to stop by a motel and get cleaned up. Theo hacked into the Plaza's computer and got your records. We found your home and robbed it."

"Oh... are you running from the police...? You did like a really big crime..." You took his coffee from him and sipped it, you coughed and spit it out the window, black coffee.

Hans chuckled and shook his head, he was a lot more light and alive than he was last night. "No. My crew and I faked our deaths. It was the easiest solution. They believe you're dead too. Wiped from the grid." You looked out the window and nodded, "Can I call my mom when we stop...? It is Christmas..." Hans hummed and nodded, pulling up to a motel.

You got out of the car and went to the trunk. Hans opened it and you saw your unfinished Titanic model. He grabbed both of your bags. "You should have told me you made models. I was fascinated by your home."

You smiled softly and nodded, following him. Hans pulled a key from his jacket pocket and unlocked a room. The motel was nicely kept, but did smell like cigarettes. You sighed softly and walked in, grabbing your bag from Hans. You opened it and looked around, "You only packed my lingerie." You said, unamused.

Hans smirked softly and shrugged, "I couldn't find the ones with the days of the week on them." He said confirming that he just didn't pack the decent underwear. "Whatever Mr. Gruber." Hans looked back at you and walked over to you. "It's not like you need them anyway." He kisses at the back of your neck. You shake your head and step away from him.

"Are you punishing me?" He sits down on the bed and takes his jacket off, "No. I'm just not... there... yet."

Hans chuckles and rolls his eyes, taking his shoes off, "Liebling correct me if I'm wrong... but it was you who was on your knees for me last night. Correct?" You looked at him and blushed, rolling your eyes, facing away from him as you took your dress off. "Please don't."

Hans sighs and walks behind you, laying his head on your shoulder. He swayed softly, "I'm sorry. I've never really had any... romantic attraction to a woman. That is... before I met you." He whispered into your ear, almost like he didn't want to admit it. You smile softly, "Still not going to get you any brownie points." You whispered back.

Hans laughed and shook his head, he kisses your shoulder and backed away from you. "You shall have your space." He scanned over your body as you changed. You put sweatpants and a baggy shirt on, not wanting to wear anything constricting. You walked to the bathroom and removed your old makeup, Of course he let me sleep in this. You thought to yourself, the worse to get off what the mascara.

Once your face was clean you sighed softly. "Hans?"

"Yes ma'am?" Hans sat up, ready for anything. "Merry Christmas..." you smiled.

He chuckled and walked to you, standing behind you and making you face the mirror. He placed his head on top of yours and smiled. "Happy Christmas."

|The end!|

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