Chapter 28

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Short update, sorry! But here's chapter 28! If anything confuses you just comment your question and I'll answer :)
^he's watching you

I groan and sit up. The bed I'm resting on, I realize, is Alexander's and mine. The sheets have been cleaned, thankfully. Images rush through my mind of the fight. I peek under the shirt of Alexander's I'm wearing and don't even see a scar.

How did I get here?

Where is Alexander? I remember his long speech over the 'misunderstanding' and feel conflicted. Yes, it was wrong, but we weren't officially in a relationship, he didn't know what was going on, and he supposedly pushed her away.

I move my feet to the floor to stand up. There's a knock before I can stand, though, and Rose leans her head in the door.

"Susan said one visitor at a time," she informs me. "But who cares?"

Rose enters, followed by Bruce, Dad, Cindy, Tom, Daniel, and Zach. I sigh when I don't see Alexander. I study everyone's face for information.

Dad looks relieved, Cindy has a nice smile on, Bruce and Rose look happy and sad all at once. Which makes me curious. Tom, Daniel, and Zach looked troubled.

"What's wrong?" I immediately question.

"Nothing," they all reply to quickly. I give them a look. Cindy sighs.

"It's nice to meet you. You can call me Cindy if you'd like." She smiles and pats my shoulder.

I nod. "Nice to meet you. Please, call me Riley or Mouse." My gaze turns to Tom. "Pond," I call sweetly, "come here please?"

He gives a grin and trots over to me. "I'm so glad you're -" I grab his collar and yank him to my level, effectively cutting him off.

"Tell me what's wrong," I demand. He flinches in my gaze and I can see him struggling not to tell me. However, he eventually gives in. "Alexander hasn't woken up yet," he rushes out.

Everyone in the room stops breathing.

"Where is he?" I growl.

They lead me to the medical wing of the mansion. We stop at the door right when Susan walks out. "Luna, you shouldn't be out of bed."

"What's wrong with him?"

She sighs, taking off her glasses and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "This is why Alpha's don't get marked. It's dangerous."

"What. Happened?" I grind out.

"He literally gave you his physical strength and healed you. You should have died. Alpha's are strong, but they aren't invincible. Without the mark, he wouldn't have been able to do this, but he is marked. He used every bit of strength he physically had and healed you completely, but he didn't leave any for himself."

I gape, "Can't I . . . give it back?"

"You've already used it and although you seem healthy, you are in no mental state to do that kind of act."

"I have to do something. He saved my life!" I don't wait to hear her reply, instead I barge into the room and freeze at the sight.

He's lying on the bed, pale as milk. His usual tan has been replaced with this sickly white. He isn't moving and sweat dots his bare chest. The rest of him is covered with a white blanket. For a moment, I think he's dead, but then I see the very faint rise and fall of his chest.

I collapse to my knees at his side and softly reach out to run my hand down his arm. His muscles twitch slightly at my touch. A tear falls down my cheek and hits his shoulder. I slide my hand across his chest, feeling his heart beat scantly under my fingers. My fingers thread through his burning ones.

No one has followed me inside and I'm glad for that. I can't deny the fact that Alexander slept with Melissa. Zach has told me about wolf drugs and they seem pretty bad. With a wolf's fast metabolism, they burn off the alcohol so quickly, they barely pass a buzz. These drugs are specially designed to slow the metabolism and allow alcohol to affect them normally. If given to humans, it could be fatal.

However, he almost died because he saved me. He gave me everything he had asking only that I live. When he saved me, he didn't expect me to forgive him. All he wanted was for me to be alive. And now, he's almost dead.

"Alexander, " I rest my head on his chest. "I love you."

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