Chapter 22

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Four hours later, we head back to the pack house. Despite the chilly air, I am buring up. I believe I hate fur for two reasons now.

We grab our clothes and shift behind different trees. I leave my over shirt off and walk out in my tank top. Ouch. Cramps.

"Luna, it's 38 degrees out here." Daniel exclaims when he sees me.

I shrug, "I'm burning up."

"You're hot?"


"All over?"


"Inside or out?"

I think. "Both."


"Yeah, I think it's all the mind linking."

". . . Cramps?"

"That's a bit personal, Daniel."

He grabs my shoulders and his hands almost burn. "I'm serious."

"Ouch," I push his hands away. "Yes."

Daniel sniffs. "Holy. Freaking. Snap."


"ZACH!" he yells. "DAMMIT."

"Hey, Mouse." I turn and see Pond running towards me. He spins me in hot arms. "Oh," he lets me down. "Um, hi, um, Beta, D-daniel." he eyes the ground.

I turn to see Daniel's jaw clenched. "Wha-"

"Daniel! What's up?" we all turn to Zach's voice.

"Luna Crescent is in heat," he replies.

"Please, call me- wait, what?" I cut myself off in confusion.

"SHIT," Pond and Zach chorus.

"Wait, what is heat?" It's cold outside." I'm beginning to wonder, if in fact, they are insane. I mean, I'm standing right here in the cold with them.

Pond slings his arm over my shoulder. "Mouse, heat isn't a physical state. For wolves, it's a time where a marked female is ready to - wait, marked female." he sniffs at me. Werewolves sniff a lot. "Are you marked?"

I sneeze.

Daniel sighs, "Alpha Crescent marked her last night."

"Last night?" Zach chimes. "It's usually a week before the first heat. Three to four days for Luna, but this a first."

I''m turning around in the circle the boys have made around me to see them as they speak.

"Yeah, but her wolf is wacky."

"What do we do? He's gone until Sunday."

"Well, her heat doesnt seem to be affecting you, Omega."

"Daniel -"

"Guys, this is going to hurt her-"

"HEY!" I yell to get their attention. They immediately stop, dipping their heads down slightly. The power I have kind of frightens me. "Pond answers only, and in the order I ask. What is heat, Why would it bother you, and why does it matter Alexander is gone?"

Pond takes a deep breath. "It's when a marked female is ready to have a child. It's kinda like a human, um, woman - cycle. It happens every three months and lasts for one week. Heat puts the female in physical and emotional pain and only the other marked partner can help. It makes the female smell almost irresistable, so it affects all male wolves. It's intent is to get mates to mate."

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