Chapter 14

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I bounce up the steps to school with Pond on my heels. We have English first, which is one of my favorite classes.

"Did you watch the Doctor Who rerun last night? Smith totally failed trying to jump on the hammock."

I gasp. "Oh, my gosh, yes! I am forever convinced that was not scripted that way and was completely filmed improving his clumsiness."

"YES, EXACTLY!" We laugh until I see a figure leaning against my locker.

"Derek," I run up and hug him.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" Derek twirls me quickly before putting me down.

Pond gives him a fist bump. "Oh, just the Doctor Who episode last night."

Derek pulls a face. "You still watch that stupid show? I thought we decided it was childish."

I duck my head. "Right, yeah, sorry. I won't watch it." I remember that conversation. Remember the arguing, his hand . . . I agreed to stop watching it then. He said 'sorry' and gave me a kiss over the red spot. 'You shouldn't argue' he said. 'I don't want to have to do that.'

Now, his hands squeezes mine tightly. Tom's eyes narrow. "She loves Doctor Who. It's not childish. We bought all the seasons on dvd."

I see the tension in Derek's jaw. "Oh, you did? Babe, I thought we burned your dvds." I wince at his tight hold.

"We did, Derek. I'm sorry."

Derek pulls me into a hug. "We'll talk later," he whispers. Then, normally he says, "How about we go off campus for lunch, babe?"

There's no room argue so I nod silently. I hate when he gets in a mood. The bell rings and we make our way to class. "Cool. Can I come?"

"Actually, Tom, I'd like to hang out with my girlfriend alone. I've missed her."

"Right," Tom replies.

Derek drops me off at class. "See you at lunch, babe." We don't have any classes together because he doesn't take advanced lesson, but our electives are the same. He gives me a quick kiss. "Love you."

"Love you, too, Derek."

Pond doesn't like Derek. I've concluded that much. He glares as Derek and I walk out for lunch. He lifts me into his convertible, making me laugh.

"Oi, you two." I glance at the owner of the voice.


Derek obviously notices the 'teacher' vibe he's giving off. "Hello, sir." Derek reaches out a hand.

Alexander shakes it roughly. "Mr. Crescent. I teach the pre vet course here."

"Derek Cross. I believe I'm in your class tomorrow."

"Ah, I'm sure it will be a pleasure having you, Mr. Cross. Ms. Rivers, is your friend not joining you for lunch? You two seemed quite inseparable."

"No, Derek and I are going for lunch. Have a nice day, Mr. Crescent." Derek mumbles a good bye and hops in the car. We speed off.

"Here, this was my favorite childhood diner." Derek pulls me into an old building. A few people bustle around getting food and coffee.

We sit in a booth as an older lady comes to take our order. "Welcome to Hali's. What can I get yall- My, my! If it isn't Derek Cross himself!" Derek starts to grin and reply, but the woman cuts him off with a smack to the head. "Where have ya been, boy?" She demands. "I haven't seen you in years."

Derek blushes. "Out of state, Aunt Hali. Josh and I weren't getting along too well."

She sputters. "Obviously! Two sons of an alp-"

"SO! I'm getting my usual," he interrupts Hali. "Hali, this is Riley. She'll have the same as me, mustard instead of mayonnaise."

She nods to me and gets our drink orders before trotting back to the kitchen. "Why did you cut her off like that?"

"Old woman doesn't know what she's talking about."

"Derek, she seems really sweet. She didn't mean to be rude - if she was even being rude."

He sighs and fiddles with my fingers. "Josh is a difficult subject. You know that." I nod. "I don't like that teacher or your friends."

"I'm sorry. You don't have to be friends with them." You're in public. He can't do anything.

"Riley. I don't like them. They're childish and they need to go."

I scoff. "Who would you rather me be friends with?"

He tightens his grip. "Literally every single person in the other clique of the school! Well, except some guys."

"What's different between them? Why are they split like that?"

Our food and drinks slide in front of us. "Let's just say: one side is more loyal than the other."

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