Chapter 12

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"Hey, Derek."

"Hey, babe. What's wrong? Who was that?"

I step out of the classroom. "That was my teacher. I got a detention for my phone going off in class, so little drama queen me let out the water works." God, I'm a horrible person.

"Shit, I forgot you're an hour behind. I just got home from school and guess what!"

"Fluffy ate your shoe again?" Fluffy is his adorable pomeranian. I named her.

Derek laughs heartily. "No, thank God. No, I, uh, my parents told me I could come back home. Josh is in college, so I won't have to see him much and . . . Yeah. I'm coming to Wolf High School!"

I'm still walking to drama class and I can't see Mr. Crescent anymore. The bell has long since chimed. "Yay!"

"Baby . . . what's wrong?"

I sniff again. "I - uh - I need to tell you something. This isn't the best way to do it, but it can't wait."

"Tell me, Riley. You know you can tell me anything." He's so sweet and understanding that I begin to sob right there in the hallway. I slide to the floor against the wall and see Pond running towards me. "Sh, sh, baby. Please! God, I'm coming right now! Damnn I have nothing packed! I don't care-"

"No, no, Derek. Stop." Tom falls to the floor beside me. "No. Let me tell you and then if you still want to come . . . Okay." I breathe deeply. "I accidentally cheated on you." I'm still sobbing, but I think he understands.

I hear shuffling. "I'm sitting now," he speaks quietly. "And I have all the time in the world for you. You can explain if you want. I'm here. How was it an accident?"

More sobs burst out of me. "How are you so calm?" I demand.

I can almost hear his sad smile. "Because I love you, Mouse. I'll love you until the day I die. No matter what happens."

"I love you, too," I cry.

"If I ever meet this guy, I'll beat his ass."

I laugh. "Deal."

"So, accident?"

"Yeah, um, I had fainted and when I woke up I was confused. The doctor gave me a shirt and the owner of the shirt gave me boxers to wear, too. Then he said something about me being hot in his clothes and slammed a peck on my lips. He muttered some more, said he had to go, and did another kiss like that first one. I couldn't react. Then, today I could have pushed him away, but I didn't. If anything, I encouraged him. He, uh, kissed my neck and I was lost. We were really close together and then you called and I yelled at him that he had no right to do that to me."


Then, "you said you were with your teacher when you answered."

H-he, he is my teacher." Tom pulls me into his chest as I begin to tear up again. "I'm sorry. I love you. I love you. I-"

"That. Sick. Bastard." He growls, shocking me. "I'll be at your house in five hours," he says as I begin to hear shuffling in the background.

"But- how? That's a 34 hour drive-"

"Make that four hours. I love you, Mouse. I'm coming."

The call ends.

I drop my phone and lean further into Pond. "Don't leave me alone with him ever again," I mumble.

"Yes, Luna."

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