Chapter 26

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"Eggs are ready!"

    "Bacon, too."

     "I'm taking the toast out now."

    I nod with a smile. "Great work, guys. Grab some food and tell everyone to come on and eat." The volunteers clap each other's backs, laughing and grabbing plates of food. I hum to myself as I make Alexander a plate. He must have been really drunk last night because I haven't seen him all morning. Adding some Tylenol to the tray, I make my way to our room.

    "Luna, where are you going?" Susan walks over to me.

    "Alexander's room. He hasn't come down yet."

    Susan nods as we begin to walk down the hall. "Previous Luna Crescent informed me of a pain you had last night." We stop at the split to the medical wing and my path.

    "Oh, I'm alright now." I assure her with a smile. "It was probably some aftershock of my heat. Bruce commanded me to sleep and I woke up fine."

    She nods with a troubled look. "I'll see you later, then?"


    "Mouse!" Daniel and Zach trot over to me. "Have you seen Alpha Crescent? There's been some strange border activity."

    I gesture to the stairs with my tray. "He's in our room; I'm bringing some food and medicine to him. You could join if you like."

    They nod and follow me up the stairs. I clear my throat and breathe through a tightness in my chest.

    "Zach, do you recognize that smell?" We're almost to the door and Zach opens if for me.

    "Yeah . . . it smells like . . . " Daniel begins to open the bedroom door when we hear it.

     The voice.

    "Mm, just like last night . . . "

     The door swings open.

     "Melissa?" They chorus worriedly.

     Alexander's awake - very awake. He's lying in our bed. With Melissa. Neither of them have on clothes and she is obviously enjoying the kisses he is placing on her lips.

     I gasp, making them notice me. My eyes sting as tears threaten to spill over. However, I take a deep breath with a clenched jaw. I grab things off the tray and begin to throw them at the two.

     "How dare you! In our room! We're supposed to be running a pack together! Instead, you're off getting laid! What of your mate? What would she think of this? Can you imagine the pain this will put her through!?"

    Somehow, I've backed the two 'love birds' out of the bedroom and near the front door "Get. Out. Get. Out! Get out! Get OUT!"

    They scurry out of the door, blankets covering their bare skin. I chunk their rumpled clothes out onto the landing where pack members are now watching from below.

     "What is wrong with you, man?" Daniel chimes in. They continue pelting him with questions as he looks back and forth between Melissa and Me.


     "Don't talk to her!" The boys shout.


     "Is she your mate?" I sniff. "It's okay if she's your mate." Zach and Daniel scoff and glare at Alexander.

     I'm waiting for his reply when Melissa answers. "Yes, I'm his mate." She flips her prefect hair over her shoulder and latches on to Alexander's arm. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me with conflicted eyes.

     Turning to the pack below, I say, "Meet your new Luna." Tears prick my eyes, but I refuse to let them escape. The funny thing is, I've realized something that makes this so much more difficult.

     I love him. This man I barely know already has my heart and I'm so scared. He has the deepest part of me and if he would beg for forgiveness, I would probably let him have it. I don't even know his favorite color, but I never want him to walk away. I want to run this pack with him, go on dates, learn everything about him and I wish so deeply to be his mate.

    But, it's Melissa.

    I expect the pack to cheer at this exciting news, but instead growls and angry shouts erupt.

    "Stop," Alexander demands, but the crowd is still haywire. "STOP!" The pack doesn't even acknowledge that he has spoken. Instead, they yell louder. "Daniel, Zach, do something!" The two top ranking wolves look at each other and take three steps backwards until they are standing beside me.

    "Guys," Alexander hisses.

    "You shouldn't have done this." Daniel states. Tom bounds up the stairs and stands behind me, "Why did you do this? Why haven't you told her?"

     Alexander stutters, " I - I -" His pride suddenly catches him and he stands up tall, puffing out his chest. "Don't any of you dare to speak to me that way. I am your Alph-"

     "We want Riley." Tom declares and the others cheer.

     "She's more of an Alpha than you."

    Daniel backs Zach's words with his own. "Mouse has been great to this pack - and to you."

    Tom growls. "Tell her. Tell her the truth."

    Alexander sets his jaw. "No."

    "Tell her how much of what you've done really affects her." Zach yells, "Tell her!"


    Their words have brushed the crowd the wrong way. They growl and snarl at their Alpha as I watch the emotions pass through his face. "Tell her! Tell her!" Everything is so loud and angry and crazy, but I can only see the troubled eyes of the man in front of me.

    Then, I realize.

    "No," my quiet gasp stops all commotion. I bring my hands up to cover my mouth in shock. Alexander reaches out towards me and I back into Tom's chest. "No, it's not true." I sob. I'm so sad, sad that he never told me - led me to believe something else - and that he did this to me. To us. Suddenly, I'm consumed with anger.

    I stalk forward and shove his bare chest. "NO! NO!" Punching his chest, I feel the tingle - the electricity - and it makes me even angrier. "Alexander! How could you?!" I put my head in my hands and sob. "We're mates. We're supposed to be together. How could you do this?"

     He reaches out to embrace me, but I turn to Tom instead, darkening his light blue shirt with tears. "Go away," he spits to his Alpha. "We want Riley."

    Alexander and Melissa stumble down the stairs half clothed. The pack separates as they walk through, giving the couple glares and blank stares. They turn down a hallway and everyone stays silent in their absence.

    All eyes turn to me. Slowly, one by one, each person kneels to me. I gasp as everyone sits on their knees and place their hands on the floor. In the normal way of showing surrender, they slightly show their necks. I turn to ask Daniel what to do, when I find him in the same position.

     What do I do? How can I just stand here as they give me all of their loyalty? Quickly, I fall to my own knees, hitting the wooden floor roughly. I don't flinch. I look over everyone as they look at me.

    I see shock and understanding in their eyes. "I cannot accept your loyalty, if you don't take mine." Grins spread across the room as they begin to howl. Joy coats their long vowels as everyone joins.

    This - right here and now - is family like I've never had. Beaming, I stand up and pull my Beta, TIC, and best friend to their feet. My pack begins to stand and chant 'Alpha Riley.'

     Everything is surreal until the door bangs open.


    "Cindy's been attacked!"

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