Hour 4

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Hour four: Yoga sucks. (We suck at yoga)

"One time I listened to The Master's drum beat for 10 hours. When it was over, I felt empty inside."

I turn my head to look at him. "I think we've been upside down too long."

"Let's do yoga."

"What the hell? Yoga sucks."

"Let's do it!" He yanks me down to the floor.


"So, I'm looking at these picture on Pintrest and it looks super easy. Okay, I'm going to put my foot in the air and . . . you're going to do a one handed handstand on it. Let's go!"

A few seconds later. "Ouch! Forget that!"

Tom sits up and rubs his head. "Okay, what about this head stand one? We both do a head stand and this foot touches your foot and then our other legs bend around each other."

"We got this."

We put our hands on the floor, facing away from each other. We both try to kick up into the stand.

This first time, I fall over on him.

Then, he falls over on me.

Next, I feel like the freaking human pretzel witha double body.

Tom sighs from his spot under me, or on top. I'm not sure. "We freaking suck at yoga."

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