Chapter 35

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Eeeeeeeeek!!! I only have one more chapter typed after this one! Oh dear! I've been busy with an amazing D-now and children and school and band and yikes! So, one update today and tomorrow and then hopefully I'll be caught up again. I think my new update schedule will be once a day. Sorry guys! Anyway, enough with that. Enjoy Chapter 35!!!!!!
. . . Yall are gonna hate me . . .

Riley's POV

When Maggie drops me off at my house, I rush to my room and hang the dress in my closet. Alexander never comes here so he won't see it. I shift, sneeze, and trot my way back to the pack house.  The sneezes shock me at first. I used to sneeze all the time, but I haven't in a while. I continue to sneeze and it continues to feel foreign.

            Once I reach the pack house. I don't bother shifting back. Diana opens the door for me and I sneeze constantly as I travel up the stairs. I thought that Alexander would be in our room so I would stop sneezing, but he isn't. Sighing, I shift and put on some pj shorts and a tank top. I yawn as I fall onto the bed. Finally, sleep consumes me.

            Smoke fills my nose, knocking me out of my cotton candy dream. I sit up quickly to find the fire, but only find the room cold, dark and empty. I shiver as the cold December wind blows through the open balcony doors. Is Alexander smoking? Why would he leave the doors open?

            Grabbing Alexander's white hoodie from the bed post, I throw it on before softly walking to the balcony. I step onto the cold cement as I search for Alexander. I walk to the railing that's even with my waist and place a hand on it.  I look down for him, but he's still not in sight. I can still smell smoke and something else coppery. Turning to my right, I locate the smell.

            Red words glitter the grey stone. I read them before following the trail to a tan and black wolf, mangled, broken, bloodied and lifeless.

            Happy birthday, Riley.

            I scream.

Alexander's POV

I've been in my office all night phoning the Alphas and making plans. I glance at the computer which informs me of the time as it flashes a cute picture of Riley.  4:21 it reads. I jot down more notes to go over. My pen scratches a line on the paper as my phone rings.  "Hello?"

               "Alexander, sorry to disturb you so late, I have a very important question." Riley's father - Grayson - sounds troubled.

            I place my pen down. "Yes, what is it?"

            "Have you seen or heard from Rey? He's not back from a run he took earlier. No one can get in contact with him."

            I open my mouth to tell him that we have had no scent of Rey when I hear a scream.

            This scream has fear and agony singing loudly through it as it echoes. I recognize it as only one person.  "Riley!"   I bolt from my office, taking the stairs five at a time as I run to Riley. Throwing open out door, I immediately catch her scent mixed with smoke like a burning forest. I dash through the door and see Riley bathed in moonlight as she sobs. With quick steps, I reach her and begin to check for injuries. The rogues scent is stale, but I can smell something else with a copper tang.

            I follow Riley's line of sight and spot the large tan and black wolf covered in blood.  "My God. It's Rey." I realize and pull my mate closer.

            "Daniel! Zach! Susan!" I shout. I can immediately hear the steps of the people who must've been awakened by Riley's screams.

             Happy Birthday, Riley.

            My wolf howls inside of me, outraged that someone could do this - and on her birthday of all days. I didn't even know today was her birthday.

            "Riley, I'm so sorry." She continues to weep, her eyes never leaving her brother. "Look away. Please, look away."

            She struggles in my arms. "NO! REY! No, please! REY!"

            Four people burst into the room, one immediately heading over to Rey's body. Tom slides to his knees beside us and grasps Riley's hand tightly. Zach doesn't wait for orders as he begins doing exactly what I would've ordered him to do. He searches the room for any clues to who has done this. Daniel begins sniffing the scent heavily as I hear him call certain people through the mind link. He's gathering our best trackers to follow the scent.

            Although Riley's sobs had been making her tremble, I suddenly notice that she's shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes are unfocused in the direction of her brother. She screams louder as she digs her nails into my arms, still violently shaking.

            "She's having a panic attack," Susan exclaims. "Make her sleep!"

            I try to catch her eye to command her, but she refuses to look at me. My mark allows her agony to flow into me and I attempt to block it out. Tom and I pin Riley down as she continues to yell and scratch us. Tom hisses as her nails leave bloody marks on his bare chest. I end up straddling her torso, knees on her arms, so I can hold her head forward. "Sleep!" I command her.

            Riley struggles before finally falling into darkness. I let out a breath as I look at her. I can't help but wonder if that's what the love of my life would be like if she was the same as the rest of her kind.

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