Chapter 20

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There's a Doctor Who marathon on today. Zach, Tom, and I are sitting on Alexander's couch watching it.

   "Mouse, why don't you want to be Luna?"

   I pull my vision from the deathly Christmas trees and look at Zach. "It's not that I don't. I love being Luna - helping out with you guys, cooking, cleaning, it's all fun. But Alexander's mate should be Luna. I'm prepared to step down as soon as he tells her he is her mate." The boys are quiet and I begin to think. "What is having a mate like anyway?"

   Tom sits up. "You're totally attracted to them. Like, everything they do ia attractive - even their breathing. You better hope your mate never catches you up close and personal with another guy because his wolf will go insane and you're the only person who can calm him down."

   The boys nod together and gaze at me to tell them I understand. "So, what I'm hearing is mates are super lustful, protective, and animalistic?"

   "Yes," they chorus with grins.

   "But . . . where's the love?" I continue. "The: She's so kind with an amazing personality and she makes me a better person. Is that not part of the deal?"

Alexander's POV

"She's so kind. She has an amazing personality. She just makes me a better person."

   The other alphas nod at my words. "We understand, son." Alpha Thorn replies. "But the fact of the matter is that we need solid proof. She could still reject you."

   "I know, but she is still in high school. She's not yet steady in the pack. Once she graduates she'll stay at the house permanently and we can begin the mating process."

   Suddenly, a voice from the back groans. "Just say her name! All this 'she' and 'her' is giving me a migraine. Tell us her name already." Alphas around the room tense.

   "Josh!" Alpha Cross scolds. Great, a other one of his sons treating my Luna wrong. "That is so inappropriate. I am ashamed to call you my son after that! Alpha Crescent, I am so sorry abou-" My shoulder bumps his, effectively shutting him up, as I stalk across the room.

   "Listen here, pup," I say once I have him pinned to the wall by his collar. "She's my Luna and unlike the girlfriend you are so temporarily infatuated with, she actually is my mate and owns the title of Luna in my pack. You will address her as Luna Crescent or you will not address her at all. Your future pack should be ashamed," I spit at the twig like teen.

   He nods vigorously and I drop him.

   "Now, alphas, how about I seal it with a mark for now?"

Riley's POV

The boys left, upset that they couldn't explain where love fits in the equation.

   I sigh as I climb in Alexander's bed in a shirt of his. I can already tell it will be difficult to sleep without the familiar warmth and tingles of him.

   After two horrible hours, I'd managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep. The clock read 1am. Suddenly,  the bed dips and I smell familiar strawberries and chocolate.


   His nose nuzzles my hair. "Hi, Luna."

   I turn over to face his smile. "But I thought you wouldn't be back until Sunday?"

   "They let me come see you. They, um, wanted proof that you'll stay Luna." His hair is windswept and I just want to run my fingers through the soft strands.

   I sit up at his words. "I'm not going to stay Luna, though! That's your mates job."

   Alexander, too, sits up and places his hands on my shoulder. Tingles shoot to my toes, almost electric-like. "I know, but they don't know that you're not my mate." His voice sounds tight as he says this and I see him slightly flinch. "They want me to mark you. Did Zach explain the mating process to you?"

   "Yes, but I didn't listen."

    He sighs and shakes his head with a grin. "Of course you didn't. A mark is a bite mark in your mates neck. Normal wolves just have white teeth marks, but since I'm Alpha yours will look like a white crescent moon for our pack name. You're so pale already, you might not be able to see it," he laughs.

    "What about your mate?"

    "If I bite my true mate, then your mark will be removed."

    I nod to myself. "Okay. Can I mark you?"

    Suddenly, he beams so brightly I feel the need to wear sunglasses. "Absolutely."

    I take a deep breath. "Okay."

    Alexander grabs my hips and pulls me across his lap. This is going to hurt, isn't it? Oh, it is going to- "Relax," he tells me and his lips brush my neck as he speaks. I feel my body relax as he places soft kisses on my neck until he reaches my weak spot. I take a quick breath just as he bites.

    It stings for a second before I begin to feel euphoric. He pulls back and gently licks the spot.

    "Is that okay?" I nod, surprised it doesn't hurt the spot too badly. "Here," he guides my mouth to his neck.

    I take a breath of his strawberry/chocolate scent and instantly feel calmer. Brushing my lips softly on his skin, I realize why he frequently does the same. Electric tingles rush between us. Pressing more firmly, I travel down his neck like he did mine, looking for that one spot. I'm right near his collar bone when I feel him tense.

   "Riley . . . use your wolf teeth. Picture your canines getting longer." I picture and try to imitate how those teeth would feel. They elongate and I try to gently bite him like he bit me. He takes in air through his teeth as my heart begins to run a marathon.

   I pull back with a soft lick. He sighs and I rest my head in his bare, warm chest. We cuddle as we catch our breath.

   Alexander softly brushes his fingers through my hair, working out the tangles. "So, I hope it's not too early to make this joke, but I know a better break-up line you could have used."

   "Yeah?" I grin as I draw flowers on his tummy with my finger. "Tell me."

   "Just go with it. What do you want to be when you grow up?" His chest rumbles with his voice and I almost can't focus on his words.

   "Um, a nurse," I make up.

   "Well, I want to be a teacher when I grow up. But right now, what I really want to be . . . is your ex." My finger stills.

   "Oh my god! That's horrible!" We laugh. I love being able to be like this with someone. My fingers trace his abs, forgetting about the flowers.

   "I have to go back to the Alphas soon."

   I sigh. "Okay. Are you going to show them your mark as proof?"

   "Uh, yeah. Or maybe they'll just notice your scent mingled with mine." He rushes. There's a pause. "I can stay until you fall asleep. I know it's difficult to fall asleep without your . . . partner, in this case." He turns so I'm facing him and we're both laying down. He traces under my eyes. "I can see how tired you are."

   "You don't look tired."

   "I haven't actually tried to sleep, so I won't have dark circles yet. Now, go to sleep. The Alphas are getting agitated."

    I yawn. "How do you know?" He starts playing with my hair and my eyes begin to close.

    "Mind link."

   "Mind . . . Wha . . .," I murmur as my head touches his chest and I fall into blessed sleep.

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