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Yoongi was now extremely hot and dizzy, his breaths coming out as gasps and pants. It had almost been a full 24 hours since he'd touched his soulmate and he was already so near death he could smell it. Why was he deteriorating so fast? Surely, this couldn't be normal.

"Alright Mr. Min. We're going to get you set up with an IV and some oxygen so you can feel better. It should at least provide some comfort and the extra fluids will prevent dehydration, but you'll still have to drink water," one of his nurses explains.

He nods weakly, and slowly sits up on the couch with JK's assistance.

The nurse comes back with another nurse in tow, the other carrying supplies and rolling in a small appliance and an IV pole. His glazed eyes watch as she takes what looks to be a needle and some clear tubing for his IV while the other connects some clear tubing to the little appliance on the floor.

"Your oxygens all set up Mr. Min. I'm gonna wrap this around your head and put these up your nose okay?" the second nurse asks, showing him the nasal cannula.

At least it's not a full face mask.

He nods permission and lets her put the tubing into place, almost sighing in relief when he could breathe more comfortably.

"Where do you want your IV Mr. Min?" the first nurse asks, holding an alcohol pad and a capped needle in her hand.

He points towards his numb hand, his bruise still covering the outside and making its way up by his shoulder blade already.

Might as well get it there since I can't feel it anyways.

"Are you sure? If the bruise ends up spreading over the back of your hand, it'll probably be really painful," she asks, looking concerned.

He nods again, shooting her a determined look. He didn't want to get it on his good hand because he had some things he needed to write down.

The nurse cleans the back of his hand with alcohol and feels around for a vein, uncapping the needle when she found one sturdy enough to hold the IV needle. She gave no warning before the stick, not noticing when Yoongi cut his eyes at her.

She connects the tubing and flushes the line, the rush of cool liquid in his veins making him shiver.

"All done. This will probably make you cold by the way. Let us know if you need anything," she says, cleaning up the packaging and leaving, the other nurse trailing behind her.

"How do you feel now hyung?" JK asks, massaging his shoulders lightly.

"Definitely more comfortable," he answers, his eyes diverting to the door where Taehyung stands, leaning against the door frame.

"Will one of you grab my notebook and pen out from underneath my pillow?" he asks.

Tae nods and goes to retrieve the items, bringing them back and setting them on his lap gently.

"Can I have a moment alone?" he asks, not looking at their faces because he knows he'd cave and let them stay if he did.

"But hyung—" JK starts.

"Just a few minutes JK. I need to be alone with my thoughts so I can write something important," he says, his voice a little firmer.

"Take all the time you need hyung," Tae says, gently pulling JK out of the room.

Yoongi sighs heavily and flips to a new page in the book, clicking his pen repeatedly. He'd have to write slowly, considering he was about to write with his left hand. His dominant hand is his right, but he can't even feel it right now so that's out of the question.

The first thing he wrote was a heartfelt "goodbye" letter to his members. They were truly his everything, his reason to smile, and so much more he couldn't put into words. He needed to let them know how much they meant to him and that they shouldn't stop living their lives if he were to lose his. He would live on forever through his music, his first and only love. BTS has so much more in store for them and he would want them to keep going even though it would hurt. He addressed each member, letting them know how special they are to him and that he'd always be with them in spirit.

Next, he wrote a letter to ARMY—the people that made his passion worthwile. He'd forever be grateful for all their love and support, even in the afterlife. He makes sure to let them know that the best way they could honor him is to move on with their lives and try their hardest to be happy. The last thing he wants is to make people sad, especially the very people that uplifted him when he was.

The last letter he wrote was to his family. His mom, dad, and older brother. He hadn't always had the best relationship with his parents and he'd also never really been very close with his brother but they'd been trying lately. He let them know that their efforts meant the world to him, even though he didn't show it.

Thankfully, he'd already had a will in place, leaving his house and money to his family and all his other belongings to be split evenly amongst Bangtan.

He doesn't realize that he's crying until one of his tears drip onto the page he'd been writing on. He sets the notebook and pen aside before curling up on the sofa and letting his tears flow; already grieving his own death.


Crystal lies in bed with her mother who dabs at her face and neck with a cold compress. She'd taken some Tylenol earlier to try and ease the fever, but it didn't seem like that was working in her favor.

"Is she okay?" Cheyenne asks from the doorway, Natalia and Christian peeking around her frame.

"I'm okay. I just have a fever," she lies, smiling as best as she could.

They walk further into the room and she pats the bed, urging them to sit.

"Have you figured out a way to contact Bighit?" Cheyenne asks, holding onto her hand.

"Yeah, I emailed all their contact emails and Seojun-ssi has filed a private lawsuit on my behalf. He marked it urgent so now we're just waiting for Bighit to respond," she explains, stroking her little brother's hair lovingly when he lies down next to her.

"They need to see it. They have to! I-I can't lose you!" Natalie shouts before bawling her eyes out.

Crystal sits up in alarm, the action almost knocking the wind out of her.

"Come here Nat. You too Chey," she calls, sitting up against the headboard and opening her arms as best she could.

Natalia opts to lie across her lap, not wanting to jostle her bruise covered arm and Cheyenne tucks herself under her right arm, hugging her around the waist. Naudia grabs Christian and holds him in her lap, calming his heightening emotions. He felt that his sisters were upset, but couldn't understand why.

"Look, I know that this is touchy and hard, but I need you to stay strong and have faith okay? I'm sure they'll see it in time, but even if they don't, I need you guys to understand that nothing can take me away from you. I will always be here with you, even if it's not physically okay. I love you all so much that it transcends physicality. No matter where I am, I'll love you just as hard," she says, making eye contact with all of them.

She didn't know whether it was strength or resolve, but she manages to genuinely smile for them despite the dark circumstances. She'd be their umbrella, even when there were dark clouds threatening downpour over her own head. As long as they were covered, she would be okay.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now