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Crystal and Yoongi walk down the sidewalk hand in hand, dark shades shielding their eyes from the bright, morning sun. Yoongi had insisted that they get up early enough to catch breakfast at his favorite, little restaurant in town.

To make the most of their time here, he planned on showing her around Daegu today before meeting up with his brother and sister in law for dinner later. He opens the door to one of his favorite local restaurants, holding it so that Crystal could step in first, followed by himself, and the plain clothes wearing security guards that would be shadowing them for the day. They grabbed separate tables, a cute, little table for two for the couple and a four seater for security.

The building was cute and small, giving off homey vibes. The space was painted in calming shades of blue and the furniture was different shades of natural wood. She could tell by the lack of traffic and people inside that this place was most likely a hidden gem—the best kind of place in her opinion. They got looks from the people inside, a few people clearly recognizing them, but they stayed in their seats and eventually turned away to mind their business once more.

They didn't have to wait long at all for service, a sweet ajumma coming right over and welcoming them with menus before leaving with their drink orders—coffee for them both.

"This is cozy," Crystal says, looking over the items on the menu.

"Mhm, my parents had their first date here so we came here a lot growing up," he says, making her look up in surprise.

"Wow, so this place has stood the test of time," she says, dropping her eyes back down to her menu.

There were so many good options, she was having a hard time deciding what she wanted.

"Just like we will," he grins, winking when she looks up at him.

Crys rolls her eyes playfully, the corner of her lips lifting into an involuntary smile.

"It's too early for this Yoongi-ssi," she groans, placing the menu down in front of her and resting her cheek on her hand.

"Never too early for the truth. You know what you want?" he asks and she shakes her head.

"I gave up. I'll just have what you have," she says, making him chuckle.

He ordered a variety of items when the ajumma came back with their coffees, which were perfectly made.

"So, what are we doing after this?" she asks, folding her hands on the table in front of her.

"A lot. Just go with the flow Crys," he says smugly, making her roll her eyes again.

"You're so extra," she says, making him laugh.

"I don't know what that means, but I could tell it was an insult. You're really mean to me, you know that?" he says, making her laugh.

"You are just as bad, if not worse. Besides, we'd be boring if I didn't give you a little attitude every now and then," she tsks before taking a sip of her coffee.

"If that's what you want to call it," he teases.

"In any case, you like it," she teases back and his rebuttal is cut off by the arrival of their food—bossam, kimchi jjigae, and some variation of Korean street toast he'd ordered, cut in half for them to share.

Both were starving after not eating dinner the night before so needless to say, the conversation stalled as they dug into their food—just commenting here and there on the way something tasted. After their meal, they waited for security to finish eating before taking their leave.

Yoongi and Crystal were in a car together, him driving and pointing out places that were significant to him. He drove her by his childhood home, his schools, his first workplace, and places he'd hang out and write at when he skipped school. She hung on to every word as he reminisced his past, nostalgia heavy in the air. The love he has for this place was unmistakable and Crystal found his hometown pride endearing as he showed her places he'd contributed to restoring or bettering in some way. It made her proud to have a soulmate who is kind hearted and philanthropic as celebrities often forgot where they came from. That was obviously not the case for Yoongi. Every time you saw his name, he was proudly  representing his city. There were murals and attractions dotted through the area honoring he and V, and she was glad that people were giving them their flowers while they were still here to see them.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now