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Crystal sits in her mother's kitchen, a big smile on her face as she watches Yoongi teach her little brother and sister magic tricks.

"You two are certainly...closer," Nadia notes, widening her eyes playfully.

"Oooh," Cheyenne winks at her from her spot by the sink as she rinses veggies for their mother.

"Yeah," Crystal confirms as she manages to tear her eyes from the wholesome sight in the living room.

"Well that was a quick confirmation. Hmm, if I'm not trippin, I'd say you're in love," Nadia hints, looking down at her eldest knowingly.

"Then I'd say that you aren't trippin," Crystal replies, a small smile on her face as she plays with the edges of the placemat in front of her.

Both her mother and sister gasp and then giggle, so in sync they made her laugh.

"That soulmate magic is something else huh? Is it not...scary not being able to control your feelings for someone?" Cheyenne asks and she immediately shakes her head.

"The bond definitely helps things along, but honestly, I know that if I had met him and gotten to know him that I would've fell for him either way. The bond didn't make me love him. It helped me push aside all the things that would have prevented me from loving him—my trust issues, my overthinking, fear of being vulnerable," she explains.

"Crys, I could literally cry. I'm so glad the kids roped you into going to that concert," Nadia says, making both her and Cheyenne laugh.

"You should thank us by the way. We introduced you to BTS—"

"Stop your lying child. I told you and Nattie I was listening to them before you two even told me you were fans," Crys sighs, slapping her forehead dramatically.

"Well we definitely fueled your like for them. You know how loyal you were to Shinee. Speaking of Shinee, how was meeting Taemin again?" Chey asks and Crystal smiles at the memory.

"It was cool. He recognized me of course. He even FaceTimed Key, who also remembered me. Yoongi was so jealous," she giggles.

"Look at you leaving your mark on the idols. Must be noiceee," Chey says, making them laugh.

"Enough about me, how has school been for all of you?" Crys asks.

"Good, great even. We all love the new school. They have mostly foreign teachers who speak English so that's a good change," Chey responds, a little too quickly and casually.

Crys and her mother share a look while Chey busies herself cutting up the veggies all of a sudden. Nadia clears her throat in a "hmph" sort of way and Chey looks over at her with pleading eyes.

"Hm, and what else are you leaving out? Surely there's been something," Crys presses and Chey puts the knife down and turns around to face her, knawing on her bottom lip as she thought.

"Just spit it out kid. Mom didn't tell me so it must not have been that bad," she says.

"Well, everything was fine until last Thursday. Some classmates recognized us but were really cool about it. However, we got a transfer student and when word got to her that you were my sister, let's just say she said some very ugly things....I didn't mean to, but I got so mad that next thing I knew, she was holding her cheek. I slapped her and honestly, I have mixed feelings about it. One side of me is proud that I stood up for you...even though I know you may not want or need me to; and the other side of me is disappointed in myself for resorting to violence and disappointing you and mom," she says, staring down at the floor with teary eyes.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now