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Crystal and Sehee sat side by side and looked up at the stage proudly while BTS performed Black Swan. It was a beautiful and perfectly crafted performance that had the whole audience captivated. It was no secret that the American award shows were subpar compared to the Korean ones production wise, but it was almost unnoticeable while BTS was onstage. Whoever designed the set had done a wonderful job complimenting the song. The boys are definitely the best performance of the night and it's not even close.

When the music fades out and the boys get into their final poses onstage, Crystal and Sehee, along with the majority of the audience stand and clap.

"That was art in motion baby," she thinks, and Yoongi winks in response before filing off stage with the rest of the members.

She'd gotten the hang of sending him mental messages now, practicing throughout the show. It had been interesting to say the least.

She sits back down in her seat and tries to ignore the camera less than a foot away from her, filming her and Sehee the whole time.

"Can I send the camera man an invoice? Surely he should pay for this close up right?" she gripes in her head, hearing a chuckle in response.

"He sure should," she hears Yoongi say back, making her crack a smile.

"What are you grinning about over there? You look amused," Sehee says, placing her hand over her mouth so no one could read her lips.

"I'll tell you later, but damn this camera man is getting on my nerves," Crystal says, doing the same.

It was way too much to explain right now.

"Same, like hopefully we can get our faces back by the end of the night," Sehee says, making Crystal laugh.

The boys came back out and took their seats on either side of them and Crystal was glad to have Yoongi to semi-hide behind. As soon as he sat down, he'd reached over and placed his hand on her lap so she could hold it with hers—the shoulder pads in his jacket partially blocking the camera's view of her. It was a simple gesture, but one that made made her feel protected. The camera man backed off a few feet after that.

The rest of the show was a blur of smiling and clapping and she and Yoongi in their own, little world—both ready to go. BTS had won two awards—Best Pop Group and Favorite Social Artist.

Unfortunately, they couldn't leave right after the show. They were backstage socializing with other artists and passerbys as they waited for BTS's post award interview.

So far they'd had brief interactions with Sean Mendes and Camilla Cabello, Taylor Swift, and Dua Lipa. They'd already met Halsey and spoke with her a little before the show, but she couldn't stay the whole time. Currently, the boys were greeting Justin Bieber, who congratulated them on their wins and politely shook everyone's hands before someone was calling for his attention and he had to go.

"Lucky number 13," Yoongi counts in his head, making her sigh.

"That man is married Yoongi," she replies, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Married, not blind. He was definitely liking what he saw," Yoongi replies.

He'd been keeping count of the men that were checking her out throughout the night and apparently JB was "lucky number 13".

"If you say so," she tsks, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

He was pointing this out as if there weren't a building full of ARMY gladly checking him out as well. The amount of people that were around was definitely getting to him and the proof was in the possessive hold he had on her waist right now. The lightest of green sparks would flutter across Crysyal's sight, letting her know her soulmates  was jealous

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang