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Crystal lay awake under the covers snuggled in Yoongi's embrace. He was lying on his back and she lay on one side of his chest, her leg wrapped securely around his waist. One of his arms held her against him and his other lay on top of hers, his hand covering hers on his chest. She felt warm and secure, but couldn't fall asleep no matter how tired she got.

"Still awake?" Yoongi asks, not able to stay asleep himself.

"Yeah, I probably won't be able to sleep for a while. You have practice in a few hours. You should sleep," she says, looking up at him.

"Practice is cancelled. There's no way we'd be able to focus," he replies.

"And don't feel bad about it. You're family and we all hate to see one of our own hurt. Practice can wait. We won't suddenly suck after missing one day," he adds, making her smile.

Although she didn't like that they were missing practice over her, she was touched by the fact that they cared about her enough to be upset. She'd been closer to JK and Sehee so she could expect it out of those two, but hearing that the other members as well came as a bit of a surprise. It wasn't that she thought they'd lack empathy, but she wasn't expecting all of them to put something on the schedule aside.

Not knowing what to say, she just holds onto him a little tighter, letting his presence soothe her in hopes of relaxing her racing mind. The feeling of his lips against her forehead makes her sigh, the affectionate gesture sending tiny gold flecks dancing across her vision.



"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For your concern and for being in my corner. For just being you right now," she says, unable to word it any other way.

"That's my job C," he replies, tilting her face up to look at him.

"I'm here forever okay? Through good times and bad. I'm always in your corner," he says, pressing his lips to her forehead again.

His sweet words moved her to tears, her already emotional state evoking a whole new level of vulnerability. Opting not to say anything, he let her get it all out, rubbing her hair soothingly as her tears soaked through his shirt. When all that was left was sniffles, he reaches over to his bedside table and passes her some tissues.

"You okay now?" he asks and she nods.

"Feels good to let it all out doesn't it?" he asks knowingly, rubbing circles on her back.

"It does. It's been a few years since I've had a good cry," she says, making his eyes widen.

"Years? And you're done already? What are you?" he asks in disbelief.

"What do you mean what am I? I've cried, but not like that. I could barely poop alone with those kids, let alone get a good cry in so I just...didn't," she chuckles, throwing the tissues away.

"Is that why you started smoking? Emotional constipation?" he asks, making her laugh as went into the closet to change his shirt.

"Emotional constipation is gold. I guess you could say that though. Nicotine is like instant relaxation. It doesn't last long though, which is why people have to have a lot of it," she explains.

"Well at least you have me now," he says, doing terrible aegyo.

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Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now