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*All smut chapter

Crystal lights some candles as she waits for Yoongi to leave the bathroom. It seems it's become their thing lately, bombarding each other after separate showers with sexy surprises.

Currently, she was dressed only in a short, black robe, over the knee fishnets with a thick leather band on the thigh, and a black, leather choker. Her hair was pulled back in a bun so it wouldn't get in the way and her skin was glowing in the candlelight from the oil she'd moisturized with. Her favorite R&B instrumentals playlist was playing in the background softly, but loud enough that JK and Sehee wouldn't be able to hear them.

Tonight would be simple, but still pleasurable for the both of them. She'd borrowed some warming massage oil from Sehee to start off with. He'd just performed his ass off at Grand Central Station, so she was sure he had some tension that needed to be released. Once he's relaxed, that's when the real playing would occur. A large glass of crushed ice sat on the nightstand to aid with that and she couldn't wait to see how he'd react to it.

She's lounging at the foot of the bed with her legs crossed when he opens the bathroom door, a towel around his waist and one in his hand drying his damp hair.

"What's all this?" he asks, a smirk forming as he throws the towel he was using to dry his hair on the chair next to the bathroom door.

"You did such a good job today on your performance. I just wanna make you feel good yeobo," she says, standing up and making her way over to him slowly.

His eyebrows shoot up at the use of that pet name, one commonly used between married or engaged couples. It rolled off her tongue so sweetly, he immediately wanted to hear it again.

"Yeobo?" he asks, his hands settling on her hips as she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him close, her nails running through the hair at his nape and driving him crazy in the process.

"I can't call you that?" she asks with a pout, but he could tell that she wasn't offended thankfully.

"Oh you can call me whatever you want yeobo, especially when you look like this," he hums, bending down slightly to press his lips to hers.

"Good, you wanna lay down on your stomach for me?" she asks and he nods, shamelessly dropping his towel and doing as she asked.

"Good boy," she praises in his ear once she's seated on his back.

He shivers and she smirks, noting the way his ear was starting to redden. She'd noticed for a while now that he'd get a little excited when she'd praise him or say anything remotely dominant. She was definitely willing to explore that more. As much as she loved letting him have his way with her, she equally loved the thought of having her way with him too.

She reaches over and grabs the massage oil, squeezing a thin line up his spine, the cool sensation making him shiver again.

"This is warming, so it won't be cold for long," she informs him as she spreads the oil around his back.

He hums in response, groaning a little as she presses her thumbs down on either side of his spine and slides them upward. She spent a lot of time on his back and shoulders, where he was most tense.

"Better baby? You were so tense after working so hard today. I'm so proud of you," she says, pecking him three times on the back of the neck before she grabs more oil and starts on his left arm.

"Feels so good," he groans, slightly muffled by the pillow, his tone relaxed.

He was definitely loving this massage. They had staff that would do it, but he never felt comfortable with the thought of a stranger touching him so much, so he refrained—opting for letting one of the members do it if he got too tense. Their hands felt nowhere near as good as this though. He was practically melting under Crystal's touch, his body able to relax fully underneath her. The way she was speaking to him was turning him to putty and the feeling of her skin on his—her hands massaging him, and her thighs on either side of his—had him enamored, ready for the happy ending.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now