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Yoongi woke up to the sound of his alarm and groaned, grabbing his phone off the table and cracking one eye open so he could hit the snooze button. He turns over in bed and attempts to wrap his arm around his soulmate, but is met with an empty bed. He frowns and rolls onto his back, attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes. When he removes his hands, he looks around and notices that the bathroom door as well as the closet door were wide open with the lights off, so she wasn't in either. His eyes shift over to the balcony doors and they're locked, so she's not out there either.

Why is she up so early?

He sits up in bed and sighs, placing his head in his hands when the memories from last night flood his haziness of his sleepy state.

Shit, I fell asleep before she was done with her shower and didn't make up with her.

In foresight, he wished he had been more patient with her. She was just concerned for him, just like anyone else had been after they found out about the rigorous dieting he did on tour. However, he was just so tired he couldn't reign in his annoyance with the disruption to his rest. He'd tried to wait for her to finish her shower, but to no avail.

Might as well get up now. I need to find her and apologize.

Slinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stretches his body like a cat before allowing his feet to hit the floor. Spying a pillow on the floor, he grabs it and puts it back up on the bed.

After making the bed, doing his morning routine, and throwing on a T-shirt, sweatpants, and slides—he makes his way downstairs in search of his soulmate. A delicious aroma met his nose and he could hear the murmur of voices as he got closer to the kitchen.

He immediately zeros in on Crystal, who is carrying an empty plate and coming his way.


However, he's unable to even attempt to get her attention because she walks right around him like he's not even there. He puts his hand down and closes his mouth.

Guess I deserved that.

He turns around and follows her to the dishwasher where she was putting her plate and fork.

"Crys, I—"

"I gotta take that," she cuts him off with a finger in his face as her phone rings on the counter.

He raises his brows and watches as she reaches over the counter to get it and places it to her ear, speaking in a professional tone as she walks around him again.

"Hyung, you'd better eat now if you're going to. Crys put your plate in the microwave. It should still be hot," Joon says, taking a sip of his coffee with a knowing look.

He nods and turns around to make his coffee, putting it in one of those disposable cups with a lid and getting his food out of the microwave. It was an egg white omelette with spinach and what looked like turkey sausage.

His eyes bore into her back as he eats, waiting on an opening so he could talk to her before they left. As always, she looked great today. She was wearing a Nike hat, tank top, and sandals with denim shorts and a black and white flannel tied around her waist.

"Trouble in paradise?" Jimin asks from his place beside him, finishing the last bite of his food.

"How did you make it down here before me?" he asks, ignoring the question.

He hadn't even realized he was sitting next to Jimin.

"Simple. I got up to go to the bathroom and smelled the food. Anyways, I don't know what you did, but good luck making up for it," he says, giving him a cheesy smile before getting up and rinsing his plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now